@book{2008, url = {https://doi.org/10.3790/9783428529049}, title = {Dezentralisierung im Vergleich - Kommunale Selbstverwaltung in Deutschland und Südostasien am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts / Decentralization in Comparison - Local Governance in Germany and South East Asia in the Beginning of the 21st Century}, title = {Vorträge und Berichte auf dem 10. Internationalen Speyerer Forum an der DHV Speyer vom 19.-21.9.2005 / Lectures and Reports on the 10th Speyer Panel on Cooperation in Law and Administration (Forum on Municipal Sciences) at the DHV Speyer 19.-21.9.2005}, author = {}, publisher = {Duncker & Humblot}, address = {}, doi = {doi:10.3790/9783428529049}, isbn = {9783428529049}, year = {2008}, lastchecked = {2008} }