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„Ein Arzneibuch für alle Rezepte“ (Paolo Mattia Doria)



Schlüter, G. „Ein Arzneibuch für alle Rezepte“ (Paolo Mattia Doria). . Machiavelliana nach 1700. Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 45(3), 465-494.
Schlüter, Gisela "„Ein Arzneibuch für alle Rezepte“ (Paolo Mattia Doria). Machiavelliana nach 1700. " Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 45.3, , 465-494.
Schlüter, Gisela: „Ein Arzneibuch für alle Rezepte“ (Paolo Mattia Doria), in: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, vol. 45, iss. 3, 465-494, [online]


„Ein Arzneibuch für alle Rezepte“ (Paolo Mattia Doria)

Machiavelliana nach 1700

Schlüter, Gisela

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Vol. 45 (2018), Iss. 3 : pp. 465–494

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Author Details

Prof. Dr. Gisela Schlüter, Institut für Romanistik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Bismarckstraße 1, 91054 Erlangen


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„A pharmacopoeia for any prescription“ (Paolo Mattia Doria).Machiavelliana after 1700

Recent research has gained many new insights into Machiavelli’s influence on Early Modern European political history. This article focuses on a so far little researched, but decisive stage in the history of Machiavelli’s influence, namely Paolo Mattia Doria’s treatise „La Vita Civile“ (1709/10; further editions in the 18th century), which was written in Naples, a centre of the Early European Enlightenment. In a peculiar mixture of anti-machiavellism that is inspired by Platonic thought and allegiance to Machiavellian ideas, Doria follows the structure and texture of Machiavelli’s „Il Principe“. The political treatise is still coloured by humanist ideas and includes a speculum principis („L’Educazione del Principe“). Despite the similarities, Doria criticizes Machiavelli’s amoral analysis of power politics and postulates, with reference to Machiavelli’s „Discorsi“, an ideal republic or a principality of virtue with a virtuous ruler (principe virtuoso) at the top. In the course of his analysis, Doria re-moralizes Machiavelli’s morally neutral, praxeological concept of virtù. The treatise reflects the fork in the history of Machiavelli’s influence both on a general level and in its details: the ambivalence of „Il Principe“ as political advice for the successful and unscrupulous prince on the one hand but, on the other hand, as an exposure of unscrupulous power politics, written modo obliquo by the passionate Republican whom Rousseau, for example, wanted to see in Machiavelli.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Gisela Schlüter: „Ein Arzneibuch für alle Rezepte” (Paolo Mattia Doria) 465
Machiavelliana nach 1700 465
I. Einleitung 465
II. Paolo Mattia Doria 468
III. Doria und Machiavelli 470
1. virtù 465
2. Machiavelli – Doria – Rousseau: republikanische Motive 465
3. „Exhortatio”: Die patriotische Lesart von „Il Principe” 465
4. Machiavelli fortschreiben 466
IV. Zur Kontinuität rezeptionsgeschichtlicher Konfigurationen 466
Epilog zu Friedrich II. 466
Summary 466
Quellen 466
Forschungsliteratur 466