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Rössner, P. Historia magistra vitae – ad acta oder ad nauseam?. . Frühneuzeitforschung und Wirtschaftsgeschichte im Zeitalter von Neoliberalismus und Trump (1973 – 2018). Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, 45(4), 651-714.
Rössner, Philipp Robinson "Historia magistra vitae – ad acta oder ad nauseam?. Frühneuzeitforschung und Wirtschaftsgeschichte im Zeitalter von Neoliberalismus und Trump (1973 – 2018). " Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung 45.4, , 651-714.
Rössner, Philipp Robinson: Historia magistra vitae – ad acta oder ad nauseam?, in: Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, vol. 45, iss. 4, 651-714, [online]


Historia magistra vitae – ad acta oder ad nauseam?

Frühneuzeitforschung und Wirtschaftsgeschichte im Zeitalter von Neoliberalismus und Trump (1973 – 2018)

Rössner, Philipp Robinson

Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung, Vol. 45 (2018), Iss. 4 : pp. 651–714

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Author Details

PD Dr. Philipp R. Rössner, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Early Modern History, School of Arts, Histores and Cultures, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom


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Historia magistra vitae – ad acta or ad nauseam?

Early Modern Research and Economic History in the Age

of Neoliberalism und Trump (1973 – 2018)

Recent decades have seen the rise of neoliberal interpretations in the economic history of capitalism, development and economic growth. Free trade and free markets are said to have been the epitome of good economic development, whilst protectionism and mercantilism are seen as the antinomy of economic modernity. The economic history of early modern Europe, including processes of global economic divergence have often been written accordingly. The present paper, whilst not laying any judgemental claims to the right or wrongs of neoliberalism, wishes to trace the influence of neoliberal philosophy on writing early modern economic histories and the history of capitalism. It studies some of its most obvious implications, including Eurocentrism, economic determinism and the new historical materialism inherent in cliometrics and the New Economic History as it emerged in the 1960 s and 1970 s in the West.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Philipp Robinson Rössner: Historia magistra vitae – ad acta oder ad nauseam? 651
Frühneuzeitforschung und Wirtschaftsgeschichte im Zeitalter von Neoliberalismus und Trump (1973–2018) 651
I. 653
II. 651
III. 652
IV. 654
Summary 654
Quellen 654
Literatur 654