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The Time Series Properties of the Real Exchange Rates Between the Member States of the European Monetary Union



Maurer, R. The Time Series Properties of the Real Exchange Rates Between the Member States of the European Monetary Union. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 52(2), 149-171.
Maurer, Rainer "The Time Series Properties of the Real Exchange Rates Between the Member States of the European Monetary Union" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 52.2, 2019, 149-171.
Maurer, Rainer (2019): The Time Series Properties of the Real Exchange Rates Between the Member States of the European Monetary Union, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 52, iss. 2, 149-171, [online]


The Time Series Properties of the Real Exchange Rates Between the Member States of the European Monetary Union

Maurer, Rainer

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 52 (2019), Iss. 2 : pp. 149–171

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Author Details

Prof. Dr. Rainer Maurer, Pforzheim University, Business School, Tiefenbronner Str. 65, 75175 Pforzheim, Phone.: +49-151-65114433


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  69. Kravis, I. B./Lipsey, R. E. (1991): The International Comparison Program: Current Status and Problems, in: Hooper, P. Richardson, J. D. (1991) International Economic Trans­actions: Issues in Measurement and Empirical Research, National Bureau of Economic Research (Book 55), University of Chicago Press.  Google Scholar
  70. Kwiatkowski, D./Phillips, P. C. B./Schmidt, P./Shin, Y. (1992): Testing the null hypothesis of stationarity against the alternative of a unit root: How sure are we that economic time series have a unit root? Journal of Econometrics, 54, 1992, 159–178.  Google Scholar
  71. Lee, T./Tse, Y. (1996): Cointegration tests with conditional heteroscedasticity, Journal of Econometrics, 73, issue 2, p. 401–410 Levin et al. (2002): Levin, A./Lin C.-F./C.-S. J. Chu. 2002. Unit root tests in panel data: Asymptotic and ?nite-sample properties. Journal of Econometrics 108: 1–24.  Google Scholar
  72. MacKinnon, J. (1990): Critical Values for Cointegration Tests. Queen’s Economics Department Working Paper No. 1227, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada,  Google Scholar
  73. Maurer, R. (2010): Die Verschuldungskrise der Europäischen Währungsunion – Fiska­lische Disziplinlosigkeit oder Konstruktionsfehler?, Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung/Quarterly Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 79 (4).  Google Scholar
  74. Miller, M./Sutherland, A. (1991): The ‘Walters Critique’ of the EMS: A Case of Inconsistent Expectations, The Manchester School Vol LIX Supplement June 1991, pp. 23–37.  Google Scholar
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  78. Schaffer, M. E. (2010): Stata Module to perform Engle-Granger Cointegration Tests and 2-step ECM estimation,  Google Scholar
  79. Silvapulle, P. S./Podivinsky, J. M. (2000): The effect of non-normal disturbances and conditional heteroscedasticity on multiple cointegration tests, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 65:1–4, 173–189.  Google Scholar
  80. Stock, J. H. (1987): Asymptotic properties of least squares estimators of cointegrating vectors, Econometrica 55, 277–302.  Google Scholar
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The article “The Time Series Properties of the Real Exchange Rates Between the Member States of the European Monetary Union” analyses the time series behavior of the components of the real exchange rates between the founding member states of the EMU before and after the start of the EMU. Various panel and univariate country-specific tests show that the levels of these components are typically random walks. The resulting real exchange rates are also random walks and their components are not cointegrated. It is argued that these results question the operability of the EMU under the current policy regime in the long-run. One possibility to deal with this problem could be the suspension of the principle of a “single monetary policy”.