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Der geplante Mensch im Unternehmen – Teil 1



Bontrup, H. Der geplante Mensch im Unternehmen – Teil 1. . Eine arbeitswertstrategische Personalplanung. Der Betriebswirt, 60(3), 14-18.
Bontrup, Heinz-J. "Der geplante Mensch im Unternehmen – Teil 1. Eine arbeitswertstrategische Personalplanung. " Der Betriebswirt 60.3, , 14-18.
Bontrup, Heinz-J.: Der geplante Mensch im Unternehmen – Teil 1, in: Der Betriebswirt, vol. 60, iss. 3, 14-18, [online]


Der geplante Mensch im Unternehmen – Teil 1

Eine arbeitswertstrategische Personalplanung

Bontrup, Heinz-J.

Der Betriebswirt, Vol. 60 (2019), Iss. 3 : pp. 14–18

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Author Details

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Heinz-J. Bontrup, Dipl.-Ökonom, Dipl.-Betriebswirt. Von 1996 bis 2019 Professor für Wirtschaftswissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Arbeitstheorie,-politik an der Westfälischen Hochschule, Fachbereich Wirtschaftsrecht. Außerdem ist er Gastprof


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In practice, it is always amazing to observe that companies do not have sufficient personnel planning. However, it is also just as astonishing that the working human being in the value-added work-sharing process still does not receive the acknowledgment that is actually due to him as the only new value-adding factor in connection with nature. In contrast,the capital endowed by the dominant bourgeois economy is merely a derivative factor of production, and the neoclassical marginal productivity theory completely bypasses economic reality. However, it is also a fact that the added value created by humans in production must always first be realized on the market. However, the risks that arise here do not necessarily affect only the owners of the capital but also the employees. They are general business risks and not just business risks.All of this is worked out in the first chapter of the article and made calculable and verifiable in the second chapter. On the basis of business-related (derived) added value, these include various key personnel policy indicators that reveal valuebased labor intensity and labor productivity as well as the distribution of added value in the wage and value added quota. In the third chapter of the article (Part 2 (4/2019)), the conditions for a labor demand (recruitment), but also for redundancies in a market-capitalist enterprise, and their influence are shown. This shows that the personnel plan is dependent on the sales, production and investment plan of a company and is also determined by political and legal measures. Annoying in the use of personnel is from the point of view of capital, the economically indeterminate employment contract. The fourth chapter deals with the determination of the quantitative and qualitative human resources needs. Here, special emphasis is placed on a practically never performed gross-net-bill as well as on a calculation of the gross and net working volume. Important in this context are dynamic input-output establishment plans. The final fifth chapter then deals with strategic personnel adjustments in corporate crisis situations to avoid possible redundancies.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Heinz-J. Bontrup: Der geplante Mensch im Unternehmen – Teil 1 1
Einleitung 1
1. Menschliche Arbeit im Unternehmen, Wertschöpfung, Verteilungund Risikoprozess 1
1.1 Zum Irrtum der Grenzproduktivitätstheorie und ihr ideologischer Wert 2
1.2 Wertschaffung, Verteilungund Realisierung 2
1.3 Zum Risikoprozess 4
2. Zur Wertschöpfungsbestimmung und -verteilung im Unternehmen durch Kennziffern 4
Literatur 5
Fußnote 5