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The Dark Side of Smartphone, Social Media & Co. – Teil 2



Kreutzer, R. The Dark Side of Smartphone, Social Media & Co. – Teil 2. Der Betriebswirt, 60(4), 10-15.
Kreutzer, Ralf T. "The Dark Side of Smartphone, Social Media & Co. – Teil 2" Der Betriebswirt 60.4, , 10-15.
Kreutzer, Ralf T.: The Dark Side of Smartphone, Social Media & Co. – Teil 2, in: Der Betriebswirt, vol. 60, iss. 4, 10-15, [online]


The Dark Side of Smartphone, Social Media & Co. – Teil 2

Kreutzer, Ralf T.

Der Betriebswirt, Vol. 60 (2019), Iss. 4 : pp. 10–15

Additional Information

Article Details


Author Details

Prof. Dr. Ralf T. Kreutzer ist seit 2005 Professor für Marketing an der Berlin School of Economics and Law sowie Marketing und Management Consultant.


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In many textbooks and reference books – including my own ones – the opportunities associated with the use of mobile devices, social media and further developments in the digital age are extensively described. In my two articles in "Der Betriebswirt", however, I draw attention to the risks, the "dark side", that accompany these changes. Only a holistic view of the lights and shadows of smartphones, social media & Co. allows responsible use – by the providers of these systems, the companies, the institutions relevant to the legislation and especially by the end users themselves. Especially in the case of the latter, I believe there is hardly any comprehensive awareness of the risks of social media use – and the levels of dependency are rising!

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Ralf T. Kreutzer: The Dark Side of Smartphone,Social Media & Co. – Teil 2 10
1. Unfähigkeit zur Kontemplation 10
2. Einfluss von Smartphone- und Social-Media-Nutzung auf die Gesundheit der Nutzer 11
3. Abhilfe durch den Aufbau von Medienkompetenz 14
Literatur 15