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(De-)zentrale Energiewende und soziale Konflikte: Regionale Konflikte um die Vertretung des Gemeinwohls



Messinger-Zimmer, S., Zilles, J. (De-)zentrale Energiewende und soziale Konflikte: Regionale Konflikte um die Vertretung des Gemeinwohls. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 85(4), 41-51.
Messinger-Zimmer, Sören and Zilles, Julia "(De-)zentrale Energiewende und soziale Konflikte: Regionale Konflikte um die Vertretung des Gemeinwohls" Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 85.4, 2016, 41-51.
Messinger-Zimmer, Sören/Zilles, Julia (2016): (De-)zentrale Energiewende und soziale Konflikte: Regionale Konflikte um die Vertretung des Gemeinwohls, in: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, vol. 85, iss. 4, 41-51, [online]


(De-)zentrale Energiewende und soziale Konflikte: Regionale Konflikte um die Vertretung des Gemeinwohls

Messinger-Zimmer, Sören | Zilles, Julia

Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, Vol. 85 (2016), Iss. 4 : pp. 41–51

27 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Sören Messinger-Zimmer, Göttinger Institut für Demokratieforschung

Julia Zilles, Göttinger Institut für Demokratieforschung

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While the "Energiewende„ is a national and moreover global topic, the actual increasing conflicts are taking place at the local level. But who claims to represent the common good? Which impact do protests concerning the "Energiewende„ have on the local social structure? In our text we discuss these questions based on two case studies on conflicts about the construction of new overhead power cables and wind farms. We focus on the cleavage between common good and particular interests. Furthermore we analyze certain regional cleavages. We integrate the perspectives of all actors involved in these conflicts, such as local politicians and authorities, companies, protest groups, as well as those affected citizens who decided not to join the protests. We show that the conflicts are not just dealing with their specific issues but that there are deeper regional conflicts concerning the question who is legitimated to represent the common good.