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Der Throughput-Output-Nexus in der empirischen Verwaltungswissenschaft



Bauer, M. Der Throughput-Output-Nexus in der empirischen Verwaltungswissenschaft. Die Verwaltung, 41(1), 63-76.
Bauer, Michael W "Der Throughput-Output-Nexus in der empirischen Verwaltungswissenschaft" Die Verwaltung 41.1, , 63-76.
Bauer, Michael W: Der Throughput-Output-Nexus in der empirischen Verwaltungswissenschaft, in: Die Verwaltung, vol. 41, iss. 1, 63-76, [online]


Der Throughput-Output-Nexus in der empirischen Verwaltungswissenschaft

Bauer, Michael W

Die Verwaltung, Vol. 41 (2008), Iss. 1 : pp. 63–76

5 Citations (CrossRef)

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Cited By

  1. The Palgrave Handbook of Public Administration and Management in Europe

    Public Administration and Political Science

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Clarifying the relationship between organisational reform and reform outcome is a central objective of students of public administration or administrative sciences. The last decades have witnessed intensive research efforts in this area. However, the added value achieved in theory development remains meagre, at best. This article argues that by systematically incorporating policy analysis conceptualisations, the administrative sciences can reduce this deficit and generate more advanced theoretical knowledge. By referring to the recent reforms of the European Commission, this article illustrates the potential of an approach that systematically combines policy analysis insights and public administration research interests. Public administration reform scholars are advised to concentrate their analysis on the nexus between organisational reform and reform output if their aim is to steadily improve the capacity for theory development within this sub-discipline of public administration.