Constrained Constructivism in Post-Structural Discourse Analysis
Constrained Constructivism in Post-Structural Discourse Analysis
Sociologia Internationalis, Vol. 48 (2010), Iss. 1 : pp. 91–112
5 Citations (CrossRef)
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Author Details
1Tomas Marttila, Lehrstuhl für Soziologie II, Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Lichtenhaidestr. 11, D-96052 Bamberg.
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Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit der Frage, wie die durch die poststrukturalistische Diskurstheorie fundierte Diskursforschung ihre eigene Diskursivität berücksichtigen sollte. Da Diskursanalyse erst vor dem Hintergrund der angenommenen diskursiven Konstruiertheit der Wirklichkeit zu begründen ist, muss die Konsistenz zwischen den theoretischen Annahmen und den erhobenen Forschungsergebnissen stets überprüft werden. Der Artikel verortet die Möglichkeit zur internen Validierung der Diskursforschung in der methodologischen Position des ‘beschränkten Konstruktivismus’ (
The post-structural notion of the transitivity of knowledge implicates that empirical discourse analysis is involved in co-constructing of the reality it observes. In order to remain consistent with the acclaimed transitient nature of knowledge, discourse analysts should ensure that the discursive orders they observe are in line with their own discursivity. This article locates the possibility to assess the co-construction of social reality in the methodological position of constrained constructivism. Drawing on the French epistemological tradition of Gaston Bachelard, Georges Canguilhem, Pierre Bourdieu and Michel Foucault, and their late reception by Rainer Diaz-Bone, this article elucidates the methodological position of constrained constructivism. Constrained constructivism is seen to embrace four main features altogether: recognition of the ever present limits of cognition; attainment of an epistemological break from everyday knowledge; use of holistic methodology; and sustainment of second-order reflexivity. The concluding part of the article discusses the methodological consequences of constrained constructivism for discourse analysis. Amongst other things, decisions about the material analyzed, compilation of the text material, research strategies, and also the interpretations of the material should be justified and motivated with regard to the epistemological limits of research. Moreover, research results should be presented in such a transparent manner that they can be intersubjectively grasped, criticized and, ideally, also revised.