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Ein Musterentwurf mit Schlagseite zulasten der Freiheit



Pieroth, B. Ein Musterentwurf mit Schlagseite zulasten der Freiheit. Die Verwaltung, 53(1), 39-62.
Pieroth, Bodo "Ein Musterentwurf mit Schlagseite zulasten der Freiheit" Die Verwaltung 53.1, , 39-62.
Pieroth, Bodo: Ein Musterentwurf mit Schlagseite zulasten der Freiheit, in: Die Verwaltung, vol. 53, iss. 1, 39-62, [online]


Ein Musterentwurf mit Schlagseite zulasten der Freiheit

Pieroth, Bodo

Die Verwaltung, Vol. 53 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 39–62

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Author Details

Bodo Pieroth, Münster


This contribution, entitled “A Sample Draft with a Tendency towards Curtailing Freedom”, critically examines the planned project of a standardised police act (Musterpolizeigesetz). This template legislation is discussed by Markus Thiel in the preceding article. Firstly, the lead commission’s approach to standardise “the maximum that is permissible from a constitutional point of view” is considered misguided. It makes extremely one-sided use of the legislator’s corridor between freedom and security, and jeopardises the project as a whole - a project that makes sense in itself. Secondly, the legal concept of “impending danger”, which has already found its way into recent amendments to state police legislation, is criticized linguistically, constitutionally, and politically. The attempt is made to achieve the necessary police-law defence against terrorism through careful adjustments, rather than by overcoming the tried and tested constitutional dogma of the terms “danger” and “responsibility”. Thirdly, reasons are given for why preventive police detention infringes European and constitutional law. Detention is imposed without the existence of a concrete danger, or for a period exceeding 14 days. It is recalled that, in terms of legal history and comparative law, preventive detention is a typical instrument of the state of emergency and of regimes of injustice.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Bodo Pieroth, Ein Musterentwurf mit Schlagseite zulasten der Freiheit 39
I. Der verfehlte Ansatz 39
1. Verfassungsrechtliche Kritik 39
2. Rechtspolitische Kritik 41
II. Die gefährliche Begriffsbildung 44
1. Sprachliche Kritik 44
2. Verfassungsrechtliche Kritik 45
3. Rechtspolitische Kritik 39
III. Das rechtswidrige Mittel 39
1. Europarechtliche Kritik 39
2. Verfassungsrechtliche Kritik 39
3. Rechtspolitische Kritik 39
IV. Zusammenfassung in Thesen 40
Abstract 40