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The Potential for Sovereign Wealth Funds to Exert Influence Through Critical Banks in the Five Smallest EU Member States



Körnert, J., Junghanns, T. The Potential for Sovereign Wealth Funds to Exert Influence Through Critical Banks in the Five Smallest EU Member States. . An Analysis of Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 53(2), 187-220.
Körnert, Jan and Junghanns, Thomas "The Potential for Sovereign Wealth Funds to Exert Influence Through Critical Banks in the Five Smallest EU Member States. An Analysis of Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. " Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 53.2, 2020, 187-220.
Körnert, Jan/Junghanns, Thomas (2020): The Potential for Sovereign Wealth Funds to Exert Influence Through Critical Banks in the Five Smallest EU Member States, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 53, iss. 2, 187-220, [online]


The Potential for Sovereign Wealth Funds to Exert Influence Through Critical Banks in the Five Smallest EU Member States

An Analysis of Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

Körnert, Jan | Junghanns, Thomas

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 53 (2020), Iss. 2 : pp. 187–220

3 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details

Author Details

Prof. Dr. Jan Körnert, University of Greifswald, Faculty of Law and Economics, Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70, 17489 Greifswald

Dipl.-Kfm. Thomas Junghanns, University of Greifswald, Faculty of Law and Economics, Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70, 17489 Greifswald

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  108. Köbeli, P. (2017): Staatsfonds als Investoren: Anforderung an Zweck und Organisation. St. Gallen.$FILE/dis4669.pdf.  Google Scholar
  109. Körnert, J. (2002): Die Bankenkrisen in Nordeuropa zu Beginn der 1990er Jahre: Eine Sequenz aus Deregulierung, Krise und Staatseingriff in Norwegen, Schweden und Finnland. Kredit und Kapital, vol. 35, 280–314.  Google Scholar
  110. Körnert, J. (2012): Swedish cooperative banking in the 1990s: a decade of crisis and transition. In: Raiffeisen’s footprint. The cooperative way of banking. Edited by J. Mooij/W. W. Boonstra. Amsterdam, 217–230 and 303–306.  Google Scholar
  111. Körnert, J. (2019): Auslandsbanken in den Bankensystemen des Baltikums – Nationalstaatliche Marktanteile, europäische Machtpotenziale und Aussenwirtschaftsrecht. In: Recht trifft Wirtschaft. Edited by J. Körnert/J. Lege/K. Grube. Berlin, 113–146.  Google Scholar
  112. Körnert, J./Junghanns, Th. (2019a): Einflusspotentiale von Staatsfonds auf die Bankensysteme Maltas und Zyperns. Bank-Archiv, vol. 67, 656–662.  Google Scholar
  113. Körnert, J./Junghanns, Th. (2019b): Staatliche Investitionen. Die Gefahren von Staatsfonds. Katapult, vol. 14, 78–81.  Google Scholar
  114. Körnert, J./Romanova, I. (2014): Entwicklungen im Bankensystem Lettlands seit 1991. Bank-Archiv, vol. 62, 237–245.  Google Scholar
  115. Körnert, J./Rossaro, F. (2007): Italiens Genossenschaftsbanken im Spannungsfeld aus genossenschaftlichem Prinzip und Rechtsformwahl. In: Handbuch Regionalbanken. Edited by B. Schäfer. 2nd ed., Wiesbaden, 79–97.  Google Scholar
  116. Kosk, E./Lepik, P. (2009): Estonia. In: Corporate business forms in Europe: A compendium of public and private limited companies in Europe. Edited by F. Dornseifer. 107–168.  Google Scholar
  117. Kyrris, K. P. (1985): History of Cyprus. With an introduction to the geography of Cyprus. Nicosia.  Google Scholar
  118. Latvia central banker Rimševics ‘targeted by disinformation’ (2018): (accessed on May 5, 2019).  Google Scholar
  119. Luminor (2017): Luminor Bank AS. Consolidated annual report. (accessed on August 4, 2019).  Google Scholar
  120. Mangion, Ch. (2014): Mintoff’s forcible take-over violated National Bank shareholders’ rights. Malta Today dated 6 February 2014. (accessed on July 17, 2019).  Google Scholar
  121. Manison, L. G. (2018): The Hellenic Bank-Cyprus Cooperative Bank deal. (accessed on August 11, 2019).  Google Scholar
  122. Meyers (1992): Meyers grosses Taschenlexikon in 24 Bänden. 4th ed., Mannheim et al.  Google Scholar
  123. MFSA, Malta Financial Services Authority (2019): (accessed on June 13, 2019).  Google Scholar
  124. Mordrelle, E. (2018): Vekselberg nimmt auch Julius Bär ins Visier. Finanz und Wirtschaft dated 28 May 2018.  Google Scholar
  125. Nasdaq Baltic: Baltic equity list. (accessed on August 4, 2019).  Google Scholar
  126. National Bank case: Court finds shareholders’ human rights were breached (2014): Times of Malta dated 9 January 2014. (accessed on July 17, 2019).  Google Scholar
  127. Nolte, B./Nolting, R.-D./Sarau, P. (2004): Asset Allocation. Das Beispiel des norwegischen Petroleumfonds. Bank-Archiv, vol. 52, 253–260.  Google Scholar
  128. Nordea’s sale of Luminor Bank to Blackstone delayed (2019): (accessed on May 5, 2019).  Google Scholar
  129. Phylaktis, K. (1995): The banking system of Cyprus. Past, present, future. London.  Google Scholar
  130. Plickert, Ph. (2018a): Finanzkrimi im Baltikum. Korruption und Geldwäsche. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated 21 June 2018. (accessed on May 5 2019).  Google Scholar
  131. Plickert, Ph. (2018b): Der mysteriöse Krimi um den Notenbankchef. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated 20 February 2018. (accessed on May 5, 2019).  Google Scholar
  132. Plickert, Ph. (2019): Neue Wendung im lettischen Finanzkrimi. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated 26 February 2019. (accessed on May 5, 2019).  Google Scholar
  133. Reuters (2018): Nordea, DNB sell Baltic bank stake to Blackstone in $1.2 billion deal. (accessed on August 14, 2019).  Google Scholar
  134. Reuters (2019): Nordea’s sale of Luminor Bank to Blackstone delayed. (accessed on August 14, 2019).  Google Scholar
  135. Rizzo-Farrugia (2019): Bank of Valletta plc. (accessed on July 27, 2019).  Google Scholar
  136. Rudolf, U. J./Berg, W. G. (2010): Historical Dictionary of Malta. 2nd ed., Lanham et al.  Google Scholar
  137. Schramm, M./Hansmeyer, E. (2011): Transaktionen erfolgreich managen. Ein M&A-Handbuch für die Praxis. Munich.  Google Scholar
  138. SEB (2000): Cash offer by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) for the whole of the issued share capital of AS Eesti Ühispank. Tallinn.  Google Scholar
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  140. SEB AB: Our history. [23 July 2019].  Google Scholar
  141. Sheth, S. (2018): The 3 biggest names on the latest Russia sanctions list have all popped up in the investigation surrounding Trump. Business Insider dated 6 April 2018.  Google Scholar
  142. Sõrg, M./Uiboupin, J. (2001): Internationalisation and entry of foreign banks into Estonian market. In: Estonia on the threshold of the European Union. Financial sector and enterprise restructuring in the changing economic environment. Edited by V. Vensel/C. Wihlborg. Tallinn, 45–70.  Google Scholar
  143. Steuer, H. (2019): Lettische PNB Banka muss schließen. “Handelsblatt” v. 16.8.2019.  Google Scholar
  144. Swedbank (2018): 2018. Annual and sustainability report. (accessed on July 20, 2019).  Google Scholar
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  148. TheCityUK (2015): UK, the leading western centre for sovereign wealth funds. (accessed on February 1, 2019).  Google Scholar
  149. Theodore, J./Theodore, J. (2015): Cyprus and the financial crisis. The controversial bailout and what it means for the Eurozone. Basingstoke.  Google Scholar
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  151. Weber, M. (1980): Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Grundriss der verstehenden Soziologie. 5th ed., Tübingen.  Google Scholar
  152. Wink, St. (2014): Management/Employee buy out: Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten unter Berücksichtigung von Pensionsverpflichtungen. Hamburg.  Google Scholar


The financial clout of global sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) is massive, and many of these are controlled by authoritarian regimes. It cannot be ruled out that these funds might take shareholding positions in banks which play key roles in other countries. This paper studies the extent to which SWFs have the potential ability to use shareholdings in critical banks as mechanisms to exert influence on other countries’ banking systems, taking a comparative approach in considering the five smallest EU member states: Malta, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The study concludes that SWFs would, in many cases, need to dedicate only a tiny portion of their assets in order to gain significant potential for influence within these countries.