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›Deutsch-muslimische‹ Lyrik?



Löffler, J. ›Deutsch-muslimische‹ Lyrik?. . Interreligiöse Motive in Gedichten von Zafer Şenocak und Zehra Çırak. Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, 61(1), 297-307.
Löffler, Jörg "›Deutsch-muslimische‹ Lyrik?. Interreligiöse Motive in Gedichten von Zafer Şenocak und Zehra Çırak. " Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 61.1, , 297-307.
Löffler, Jörg: ›Deutsch-muslimische‹ Lyrik?, in: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, vol. 61, iss. 1, 297-307, [online]


›Deutsch-muslimische‹ Lyrik?

Interreligiöse Motive in Gedichten von Zafer Şenocak und Zehra Çırak

Löffler, Jörg

Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, Vol. 61 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 297–307

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Löffler, Jörg


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›German-Muslim‹ Poetry? Interreligious Motifs in Poems by Zafer Şenocak und Zehra Çırak

Zehra Çırak (born 1960) and Zafer Şenocak (born 1961) are authors of German-Turkish origin, who are especially renowned for their poems. Apart from intercultural issues, questions of religion and disbelief can be found in their large output of poems, fiction and essays. Şenocak’s long poem Geschrieben auf Stein und Knochen (1994) is about faith and scepticism in the three monotheistic religions as well as in Marxism as a secular system of beliefs. Something similar is true of Çırak’s poem Konfessionen (1991), which is about religious ritual and sectarianism as having restrictive effects on individual liberty. With a keen eye on both Eastern and Western spiritual traditions, these two poets explore the dialogue between Islam, Judaism and Christianity – from a secular perspective, but with a great interest in the prevailing power of religious sentiment in contemporary culture.

Table of Contents

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Jörg Löffler: ›Deutsch-muslimische‹ Lyrik? Interreligiöse Motive in Gedichten von Zafer Şenocak und Zehra Çırak 1
Abstract 1
I. 1
II. 7
III. 9
Primärliteratur 1
Sekundärliteratur 1