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Witthaus, J. La representación de la desigualdad social en la obra de Roberto Bolaño. Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, 61(1), 273-295.
Witthaus, Jan-Henrik "La representación de la desigualdad social en la obra de Roberto Bolaño" Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 61.1, , 273-295.
Witthaus, Jan-Henrik: La representación de la desigualdad social en la obra de Roberto Bolaño, in: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, vol. 61, iss. 1, 273-295, [online]


La representación de la desigualdad social en la obra de Roberto Bolaño

Witthaus, Jan-Henrik

Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, Vol. 61 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 273–295

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Witthaus, Jan-Henrik


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The Representation of Social Inequality in the Works of Roberto Bolaño

The article deals with the issue of social inequality represented in two narratives of the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño, the fourth chapter »The part of the crimes« of the novel 2666 (2004) and A Little Lumpen Novelita (2002). It is shown that the perspectivism of literary representation is well compatible with certain sociological approaches and concepts, which for instance in the case of the term ›relative deprivation‹ (Runciman) include subjectivities, points of view, and comparisons. Thus, whereas statistics indicate the existence of social inequality only through numbers and coefficients, literature turns out to be an adequate medium to analyze its social effects. As a closer look at »The part of the crimes« reveals, the stories told in this chapter make visible not only the conditions of perception of inequality, but also the ignorance and the general invisibility of social emergency. Moreover, the article shows that social inequality represents a theme that frequently appears in the narrative prose of Roberto Bolaño and which therefore could enrich the reception of his work.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Jan-Henrik Witthaus: La representación de la desigualdad social en la obra de Roberto Bolaño 1
Abstract 1
I. Introducción: vecindarios y abismos sociales 1
II. Narraciones de la crueldad con potencial cognitivo 4
III. De ›grupos de referencia‹ a ›puntos de referencia‹: Desigualdad en Una novelita lumpen 7
IV. La configuración de las investigaciones en »La parte de los crímenes« 1
V. El contexto histórico de la trama novelística 1
VI. Descripciones del entorno social 1
VII. Una perspectiva exterior – importada por avión 1
VIII. Conclusión 2
Corpus 2
Fuentes secundarias 2