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The Exotic Other and the Other Within



Kurenbach, A., Niederhoff, B. The Exotic Other and the Other Within. . A Comparative Reading of A. C. Doyle’s The Mystery of Cloomber and R. L. Stevenson’s The Pavilion on the Links. Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, 61(1), 233-251.
Kurenbach, Anton and Niederhoff, Burkhard "The Exotic Other and the Other Within. A Comparative Reading of A. C. Doyle’s The Mystery of Cloomber and R. L. Stevenson’s The Pavilion on the Links. " Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 61.1, , 233-251.
Kurenbach, Anton/Niederhoff, Burkhard: The Exotic Other and the Other Within, in: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, vol. 61, iss. 1, 233-251, [online]


The Exotic Other and the Other Within

A Comparative Reading of A. C. Doyle’s The Mystery of Cloomber and R. L. Stevenson’s The Pavilion on the Links

Kurenbach, Anton | Niederhoff, Burkhard

Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch, Vol. 61 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 233–251

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Kurenbach, Anton

Niederhoff, Burkhard


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A. C. Doyle praised R. L. Stevenson’s tale The Pavilion on the Links as »the high-water mark of his genius«. He also imitated it very closely in one of his own tales, The Mystery of Cloomber. The present article details the many parallels between the two texts. It also analyses the remaining differences, which are primarily related to the role played by a group of foreigners. Doyle exoticises the foreigners, representing them as Eastern mystics whose mental powers are infinitely superior to those of the British characters. By contrast, Stevenson’s foreigners are ordinary mortals. They are not strange or exotic in themselves; they rather act as a catalyst of strange, incongruous and surprising elements in the personalities of the British characters.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Anton Kurenbach / Burkhard Niederhoff: The Exotic Other and the Other Within. A Comparative Reading of A. C. Doyle’s The Mystery of Cloomber and R. L. Stevenson’s The Pavilion on the Links 1
Abstract 1
I. Introduction 1
II. Pavilion and Cloomber: Brief Summaries 3
III. Periodical and Book Versions 5
IV. Parallels between Pavilion and Cloomber 7
V. Doyle vs. Stevenson: The Exotic Other vs. The Other Within 1
Primary Sources 1
Secondary Sources 1