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Western Sahara, Morocco, and the EU: Did the CJEU Get it Wrong? A Commentary of Advocate-General Wathelet's Opinion and the CJEU Decision in the Western Sahara Campaign UK Case



Berlin, I. Western Sahara, Morocco, and the EU: Did the CJEU Get it Wrong? A Commentary of Advocate-General Wathelet's Opinion and the CJEU Decision in the Western Sahara Campaign UK Case. German Yearbook of International Law, 62(1), 505-536.
Berlin, Ilya "Western Sahara, Morocco, and the EU: Did the CJEU Get it Wrong? A Commentary of Advocate-General Wathelet's Opinion and the CJEU Decision in the Western Sahara Campaign UK Case" German Yearbook of International Law 62.1, 2021, 505-536.
Berlin, Ilya (2021): Western Sahara, Morocco, and the EU: Did the CJEU Get it Wrong? A Commentary of Advocate-General Wathelet's Opinion and the CJEU Decision in the Western Sahara Campaign UK Case, in: German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 62, iss. 1, 505-536, [online]


Western Sahara, Morocco, and the EU: Did the CJEU Get it Wrong? A Commentary of Advocate-General Wathelet's Opinion and the CJEU Decision in the Western Sahara Campaign UK Case

Berlin, Ilya

German Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 62 (2019), Iss. 1 : pp. 505–536

1 Citations (CrossRef)

Additional Information

Article Details


Author Details

Ilya Berlin, M.S.L., J.D., (submitted as a J.D. candidate at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Law, Ottawa, Canada).

Cited By

  1. «¿Retorno a la historia?» El Tribunal General de la UE ante el Acuerdo de Pesca UE-Marruecos de 2019. Consideraciones en torno a la Sentencia TG (Sala 9ª) de 29 de septiembre de 2021, «Frente Polisario C. Consejo de la Unión Europea», asuntos acumulados T-344/2019 y T-356/19

    González-Vega, Javier-A.

    Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional, Vol. 38 (2022), Iss. P.9 [Citations: 1]


The legal battle between Morocco's influence in Europe and the Front Polisario has persisted throughout most of the European Union's (EU) existence. At the battle's forefront lies the role of international law inside the EU's complex constitutional and institutional frameworks. In the latest legal proceedings, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rendered its decision in the contested Western Sahara Campaign United Kingdom case. The decision did not assist in resolving the EU's legal position with respect to the Morocco-Western Sahara dispute. On one side, Advocate-General Wathelet's substantive opinion applied international law to the EU's role in the Western Sahara-Morocco conflict stricto sensu. On the other side, a rather short CJEU decision reaffirmed the status quo; that EU-Morocco treaties do not apply to the territory of Western Sahara. This commentary analyses and contrasts the CJEU decision and Advocate-General Wathelet's opinion against the EU's Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit policy. Furthermore, this commentary suggests that the CJEU cannot be held responsible for implementing international law within the EU's external trade framework, as that responsibility – and any consequences from its failure – fall generally to EU institutions, which have thus far refused to follow Völkerrechtsfreundlichkeit as expected.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Ilya Berlin\nWestern Sahara, Morocco, and the EU: Did the CJEU Get it Wrong? A Commentary of Advocate-General Wathelet’s Opinion and the CJEU Decision in the Western Sahara Campaign UK Case 505
I. Introduction 506
II. Western Sahara and its Colonial Past 508
III. Morocco-EU Agreements 510
IV. The WSCUK Case: How Did We Get Here? 513
V. The Opinion 505
VI. The CJEU Decision 505
VII. Critical Analysis of the Opinion and the CJEU Decision 505
A. A Critical Analysis of the Opinion 505
B. A Critical Analysis of the CJEU Decision 506
C. Whither Compliance With International Law? 506
D. What the CJEU Missed 507
VIII. Final Remarks 507