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Beyond War and Diplomacy: A Giant Step for Mankind



Allott, P. Beyond War and Diplomacy: A Giant Step for Mankind. German Yearbook of International Law, 60(1), 269-312.
Allott, Philip "Beyond War and Diplomacy: A Giant Step for Mankind" German Yearbook of International Law 60.1, , 269-312.
Allott, Philip: Beyond War and Diplomacy: A Giant Step for Mankind, in: German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 60, iss. 1, 269-312, [online]


Beyond War and Diplomacy: A Giant Step for Mankind

Allott, Philip

German Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 60 (2018), Iss. 1 : pp. 269–312

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details


Author Details

Philip Allott, Professor Emeritus of International Public Law, Cambridge University. Fellow of Trinity College Cambridge and Fellow of the British Academy.

Cited By

  1. The Art of Law in the International Community


    2019 [Citations: 0]
  2. Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2019

    German Yearbook of International Law: Origins, Development, Prospects

    von Arnauld, Andreas | Birkett, Daley J.

    2021 [Citations: 0]


War is the mass murder of human beings and the mass destruction of cities in the public interest. It is as old as recorded human history. This leads people to suppose that war is a natural human phenomenon, part of our evolutionary genetic inheritance. But wars are the work of states, which do not have an evolutionary genetic inheritance. Wars are simply a form of collective human evil. Traditional diplomacy, as the manipulation of relations between states, connives in that evil. States are systems of ideas which include more or less sophisticated justifications of war. The human mind has evolved in three cognitive stages over the course of human history. Those stages are diachronic, co-existing through time. The third cognitive state of the human mind allows us now to make a world without war. But the sordid justifications of war persist and, in the 21st century, are being strengthened by the emerging of new forms of old atavisms. They can only be overcome by a revival of the ancient idea of the essential unity of humanity.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Philip Allott: Beyond War and Diplomacy: A Giant Step for Mankind 1
I. War and Diplomacy: A Sinister Partnership 2
II. War and History: The Rule of the Past Over the Present 4
III. First Cognitive State of the Human Mind: Supernaturalism. Fatalism. War and the Particularising of the Universal 9
IV. Second Cognitive State of the Human Mind: Humanism. Self-Evolving. War and the Universalising of the Particular 1
V. Third Cognitive State of the Human Mind: Revolutionary Socialism. Naturalism. War and Universal Human Unsociety 1
A. Exclusive Religions 2
B. Self-Glorifying Kings 2
C. The Poetical Nation-State 2
VI. The Cognitive State of the Human Mind in the 21st Century: Universal Human Society 3
A. Universal Human Society 3
B. International Government 3
C. International Law 3
D. International Economy 3
E. International Politics 3
F. International Consciousness 4
G. Profound Mental Confusion 4