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Governance-Konzepte in der Verwaltungswissenschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf alte Probleme von Verwaltungsreformen



Holtkamp, L. Governance-Konzepte in der Verwaltungswissenschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf alte Probleme von Verwaltungsreformen. Die Verwaltung, 43(2), 167-194.
Holtkamp, Lars "Governance-Konzepte in der Verwaltungswissenschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf alte Probleme von Verwaltungsreformen" Die Verwaltung 43.2, , 167-194.
Holtkamp, Lars: Governance-Konzepte in der Verwaltungswissenschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf alte Probleme von Verwaltungsreformen, in: Die Verwaltung, vol. 43, iss. 2, 167-194, [online]


Governance-Konzepte in der Verwaltungswissenschaft. Neue Perspektiven auf alte Probleme von Verwaltungsreformen

Holtkamp, Lars

Die Verwaltung, Vol. 43 (2010), Iss. 2 : pp. 167–194

4 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

1PD Dr. Lars Holtkamp, Fern-Universität Hagen, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Professurvertretung “Politik und Verwaltung“, Eugen-Schmalenbach-Gebäude, Universitätsstraße 41, 58084 Hagen.

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Inspired by managerial insights, administrative scholars produce ever new reform agendas of limited validity. Empirical evaluation surveys, however, ascertain implementation problems which increase from one public sector reform to another. At the same time, administrative scholars and practitioners seem to lack a “reform memory“. Thus, neither their brand-new approaches nor those proposals that pop up time and again are evaluated against the backdrop of experiences that have been made with previous reforms. In this article, a new governance approach is presented to bridge the dissatisfying gap between promising would-be concepts and the sobering analysis of the status quo. The analytical dimension of the governance concept is used as a heuristic device to understand the most important reform agendas of the last decades as well as their implementation. Based on systematically assessed achievements, it is attempted to develop more realistic and pragmatic recommendations for administrative reforms.