Kleinunternehmen und der Schutz von Innovationen – benachteiligt oder einfach anders?
Kleinunternehmen und der Schutz von Innovationen – benachteiligt oder einfach anders?
ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, Vol. 57 (2009), Iss. 3–4 : pp. 219–238
2 Citations (CrossRef)
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Author Details
Jörg Thomä, Volkswirtschaftliches Institut für Mittelstand und Handwerk an der Universität Göttingen (ifh Göttingen), Käte-Hamburger-Weg 1, DE-37073 Göttingen.
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On average SMEs utilize intellectual property rights (IPRs) to a much lesser extent than large enterprises do. As a common explanation it is argued, that this is due to disadvantages associated with their smaller company size. Against this background several policy actions to support SMEs in using the IPR-System are in charge. Nevertheless, this paper asks if the effects of firm size are really the only driving force on IPR-usage in SMEs. Especially the appropriability of innovations in small enterprises seems to be based on special features, which also have an influence on the magnitude of IPR-usage. It is shown that these findings may have important implications for future research on this topic, which is of relevance for policies to support the appropriability conditions in SMEs.