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Verfassungspatriotismus und Integration



Denninger, E. Verfassungspatriotismus und Integration. Der Staat, 60(3), 495-506.
Denninger, Erhard "Verfassungspatriotismus und Integration" Der Staat 60.3, 2021, 495-506.
Denninger, Erhard (2021): Verfassungspatriotismus und Integration, in: Der Staat, vol. 60, iss. 3, 495-506, [online]


Verfassungspatriotismus und Integration

Denninger, Erhard

Der Staat, Vol. 60 (2021), Iss. 3 : pp. 495–506

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Article Details


Author Details

Prof. Dr. Erhard Denninger, Am Wiesenhof 1, 61462 Königstein/Ts.


Constitutional Patriotism and Integration

The essay is focused on the question whether the idea of ‚constitutional patriotism‘ may ensure a sufficient degree of ‚civic solidarity‘ in a cultural-religious pluralistic society. The main argument of Habermas lies in the separating of the two levels: the sphere of general and equal political integration and the sphere of ethical-cultural integration. But this always produces particular difficulties when interpretation and application of basic juridical concepts, like human dignity or human rights at all, are at stake. In the reciprocally necessary adoption of perspectives between majority and minorities the Federal Constitutional Court could operate in an equalizing manner. Concepts like „national identity“ or „constitutional identity“ may be practised judicially, but taken as analytic categories they are worthless. Decisions, taken in procedures conducted correctly by constitutional patriotism, must be accepted as legitimate also by ‚parallel societies‘ (Parallelgesellschaften).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Erhard Denninger: Verfassungspatriotismus und Integration 495
I. Verfassungspatriotismus als Basis der politischen Integration 495
II. Abstraktheit der rechtsförmig hergestellten Solidarität. Kritik und Antikritik 497
III. Ermöglichung von Bürgersolidarität unter Fremden 499
IV. Entkoppelung der beiden Integrationsebenen? 500
V. Wahrung der „kollektiven Identität” als Kriterium? 503
VI. Das Problem der „Parallelgesellschaften” 495