Die Geschäftsführung als Enabler der digitalen Transformation in kleinen Unternehmen
Die Geschäftsführung als Enabler der digitalen Transformation in kleinen Unternehmen
Barwinski, Roman Wolfgang | Bouncken, Ricarda B. | Henkelmann, Lukas
ZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, Vol. 69 (2021), Iss. 2 : pp. 97–120
1 Citations (CrossRef)
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Author Details
Roman Wolfgang Barwinski, M.Sc., Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Strategisches Management und Organisation, Prieserstraße 2, 95444 Bayreuth, Deutschland.
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ricarda B. Bouncken, Universität Bayreuth, Lehrstuhl für Strategisches Management und Organisation, Prieserstraße 2, 95444 Bayreuth, Deutschland.
Lukas Henkelmann, M.Sc., Helmstraße 34, 90419 Nürnberg.
Cited By
Exploring digital transformation capability via a blended perspective of dynamic capabilities and digital maturity: a pattern matching approach
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Bouncken, R. und Barwinski, R. (2021): Shared digital identity and rich knowledge ties in global 3d printing – a drizzle in the clouds?, in: Global Strategy Journal 11(1): 81–108.
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Hassan, S., Reuter, C. und Bzhalava, L. (2020): Perception or capabilities? An empirical investigation of the factors influencing the adoption of social media and public cloud in German smes in: International Journal of Innovation Management: 2150002.
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Kamberovic, R., Fütterer, S., Hollasch, K., Lehmkühler, B. und Capelan, R. (2019): Eckdaten der deutschen Fitness-Wirtschaft 2019. Hamburg, Arbeitgeberverband deutscher Fitness- und Gesundheits-Anlagen DSSV e.V.
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Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., Kiron, D. und Buckley, N. (2015): Strategy, not technology, drives digital transformation. in: MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte University Press 14 (1–25).
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Kumar, N., Stern, L. W. und Anderson, J. C. (1993): Conducting interorganizational research using key informants. in: Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1633–1651.
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Lamberton, C. und Stephen, A. T. (2016): A thematic exploration of digital, social media, and mobile marketing: Research evolution from 2000 to 2015 and an agenda for future inquiry. in: Journal of Marketing 80(6): 146–172.
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Lanzolla, G., Lorenz, A., Miron-Spektor, E., Schilling, M., Solinas, G. und Tucci, C. L. (2020): Digital transformation: What is new if anything? Emerging patterns and management research. Academy of Management Proceedings.
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Li, F., Nucciarelli, A., Roden, S. und Graham, G. (2016): How smart cities transform operations models: A new research agenda for operations management in the digital economy. in: Production Planning & Control 27(6): 514–528.
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Li, L., Su, F., Zhang, W. und Mao, J. Y. (2018): Digital transformation by sme entrepreneurs: A capability perspective. in: Information Systems Journal 28(6): 1129–1157.
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Lucas Jr., H., Agarwal, R., Clemons, E. K., El Sawy, O. A. und Weber, B. (2013): Impactful research on transformational information technology: An opportunity to inform new audiences. in: Mis Quarterly: 371–382.
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Macredie, R. und Mijinyawa, K. (2011): A theory-grounded framework of open source software adoption in smes. in: European Journal of Information Systems 20(2): 237–250.
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Matarazzo, M., Penco, L., Profumo, G. und Quaglia, R. (2021): Digital transformation and customer value creation in made in Italy smes: A dynamic capabilities perspective. in: Journal of Business Research 123: 642–656.
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Müller, J. M., Buliga, O. und Voigt, K.-I. (2018): Fortune favors the prepared: How smes approach business model innovations in industry 4.0. in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change 132: 2–17.
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Nambisan, S. (2017): Digital entrepreneurship: Toward a digital technology perspective of entrepreneurship. in: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 41(6): 1029–1055.
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Pfannstiel, M. A. und Da-Cruz, P., & Rasche, C. (2018): Unternehmensgründung – Geschäftsideen – Wertschöpfung. Wiesbaden, Germany, Springer Gabler.
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Pyo, S. und Bouncken, R. B. (2003): Knowledge management in hospitality and tourism, CRC Press.
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Rosenbusch, N., Brinckmann, J. und Bausch, A. (2011): Is innovation always beneficial? A meta-analysis of the relationship between innovation and performance in smes. in: Journal of Business Venturing 26(4): 441–457.
Google Scholar -
Rutgers, H., Hollasch, K., Ludwig, S., Lehmkühler, B. und Gausselmann, S. (2019): European health & fitness market report 2019. in: EuropeActive.
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The management as enabler of digital transformation in small companies
The advent of digital technologies is causing companies of all sizes and industries to change dramatically. The integration of digital technologies offers them the potential to renew processes, products and services, as well as business models. While the path to digital transformation has already been researched for large and medium-sized companies, it remains unclear which capabilities are necessary in small companies and companies that offer a service directly to the customer. Further, it remains unclear how these capabilities are developed. Based on a qualitative empirical study, we show the decisive role of the manager in the process of digital transformation. Furthermore, our results show how managers of small companies use their own social capital, the renewal of their own managerial cognition and the development of organizational digitalization skills to go through a digital transformation.
Table of Contents
Section Title | Page | Action | Price |
Roman Wolfgang Barwinski / Ricarda B. Bouncken / Lukas Henkelmann: Die Geschäftsführung als Enabler der digitalen Transformation in kleinen Unternehmen | 1 | ||
Zusammenfassung | 1 | ||
Abstract | 2 | ||
I. Einleitung | 2 | ||
II. Theorie | 4 | ||
1. Digitale Transformation | 4 | ||
2. Digitale Transformation in KMU | 5 | ||
3. Dynamic Managerial Capabilities | 6 | ||
III. Methode | 7 | ||
1. Forschungsdesign | 7 | ||
2. Setting und Fallauswahl | 8 | ||
3. Datenerhebung | 9 | ||
4. Datenanalyse | 1 | ||
IV. Ergebnisse | 1 | ||
1. Dynamische Managementfähigkeiten | 1 | ||
a) Stärkung der internen Beziehungen | 1 | ||
b) Stärkung des externen Netzwerks | 1 | ||
c) Erneuerung der eigenen Denkbilder und kognitiven Muster | 1 | ||
2. Aufbau von Digitalisierungsfähigkeit im Unternehmen | 1 | ||
a) Entwicklung technologischen Know-hows | 1 | ||
b) Aufbau von Erfahrungswissen | 1 | ||
c) Förderung der Sozial- und Führungskompetenz | 1 | ||
V. Diskussion | 1 | ||
Literatur | 1 | ||
Anhang 1: Übersicht beispielhafter Zitate | 2 |