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Germany’s Tenure in the UN Security Council 2019 – 2020: Between Upholding and Extending the Rules-based International Order



Zuber, M., Klahre, P. Germany’s Tenure in the UN Security Council 2019 – 2020: Between Upholding and Extending the Rules-based International Order. German Yearbook of International Law, 63(1), 789-802.
Zuber, Maximilian and Klahre, Paul "Germany’s Tenure in the UN Security Council 2019 – 2020: Between Upholding and Extending the Rules-based International Order" German Yearbook of International Law 63.1, 2022, 789-802.
Zuber, Maximilian/Klahre, Paul (2022): Germany’s Tenure in the UN Security Council 2019 – 2020: Between Upholding and Extending the Rules-based International Order, in: German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 63, iss. 1, 789-802, [online]


Germany’s Tenure in the UN Security Council 2019 – 2020: Between Upholding and Extending the Rules-based International Order

Zuber, Maximilian | Klahre, Paul

German Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 63 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 789–802

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Author Details

Max Zuber studies law at the University of Bayreuth and holds a Maîtrise en droit (University of Bordeaux). He currently is a board member of the United Nations Association of Germany.

Paul Klahre holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations at TU Dresden with a specialisation in international law. He was a German Youth Delegate to the United Nations General Assembly in 2020.


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Maximilian Zuber and Paul Klahre\nGermany’s Tenure in the UN Security Council 2019–2020: Between Upholding and Extending the Rules-based International Order 789
I. Introductory Remarks 789
II. Preserving the Status Quo: A Challenge in Itself 790
III. Extending the Rules-Based International Order 793
A. Sexual Violence as a Security Threat – Advancing WPS 794
B. Climate and Security 797
IV. Concluding Remarks on Germany’s Future Engagement in the United Nations Security Council 789