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Enforcement of Security Council Resolutions: The Judgment of the Administrative Court of Berlin in the City Hostel Case



Jürgens, M. Enforcement of Security Council Resolutions: The Judgment of the Administrative Court of Berlin in the City Hostel Case. German Yearbook of International Law, 63(1), 747-757.
Jürgens, Max "Enforcement of Security Council Resolutions: The Judgment of the Administrative Court of Berlin in the City Hostel Case" German Yearbook of International Law 63.1, 2022, 747-757.
Jürgens, Max (2022): Enforcement of Security Council Resolutions: The Judgment of the Administrative Court of Berlin in the City Hostel Case, in: German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 63, iss. 1, 747-757, [online]


Enforcement of Security Council Resolutions: The Judgment of the Administrative Court of Berlin in the City Hostel Case

Jürgens, Max

German Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 63 (2020), Iss. 1 : pp. 747–757

Additional Information

Article Details


Author Details

Max Jürgens, Attorney-at-law in Hamburg and Doctoral Candidate at Goethe University Frankfurt.


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Max Jürgens\nEnforcement of Security Council Resolutions: The Judgment of the Administrative Court of Berlin in the City Hostel Case 747
I. Introduction 747
II. Facts of the Case 748
A. UN Sanctions Against the DPRK 748
B. The ‘City Hostel Berlin’ 749
III. Order of May 2018 750
IV. The Judgment of the Administrative Court of Berlin 751
V. Implications for German Practice on International Sanctions Law 753
A. Transformation of International Sanctions into European Law and Municipal Enforcement 753
B. Judicial Review of International Sanctions on the Basis of the CFR 754
C. Scope of European Sanctions Mirror the Underlying UNSC Resolution 747
VI. Conclusion 747