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Das (Kinder–)‌Grundrecht auf schulische Bildung



Bender, P. Das (Kinder–)‌Grundrecht auf schulische Bildung. . Kreatives aus Karlsruhe. Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, 31(2), 119-133.
Bender, Philipp "Das (Kinder–)‌Grundrecht auf schulische Bildung. Kreatives aus Karlsruhe. " Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht 31.2, 2022, 119-133.
Bender, Philipp (2022): Das (Kinder–)‌Grundrecht auf schulische Bildung, in: Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, vol. 31, iss. 2, 119-133, [online]


Das (Kinder–)‌Grundrecht auf schulische Bildung

Kreatives aus Karlsruhe

Bender, Philipp

Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, Vol. 31 (2022), Iss. 2 : pp. 119–133

Additional Information

Article Details


Author Details

Philipp Bender, Dr. iur., Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Kirchenrecht an der Universität Bonn (Prof. Dr. Christian Hillgruber).


The (Children’s) Fundamental Right to School Education

Creativity from Karlsruhe

In its decision “Bundesnotbremse II” (Federal Emergency Brake II) of November 2021, the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) rejected several constitutional complaints against the national policy of far-reaching school closures and cancellations of classes meant as a measure against the spread of the Corona virus. Karlsruhe saw this as a serious encroachment on fundamental rights, which was, however, proportionate in the face of the pandemic situation characterised by uncertainty and thus in conformity with the constitution. In the process, the Constitutional Court “discovered” the “fundamental right to school education”, which it derives as a combination of the subjective right of children and young people to free development of their personality (Article 2 (1) GG) with the objective state educational mandate (Article 7 (1) GG). According to the Federal Constitutional Court, the new fundamental right results in several contents or guarantee dimensions: The right to equal, i. e. non-discriminatory access to existing state educational services, the right to school education as a basic defensive right, a state responsibility to protect a school system that forms a young person’s personality and – quite specifically – a right to distance education as a basic right to services within the scope of what is possible. While the judges in Karlsruhe put a lot of effort and ink into unfolding the contents of the newly developed fundamental right in textbook fashion, they immediately set it narrow limits. It seems doubtful whether the fundamental right to school education will actually develop a relevant “clout” and individual protective effect, especially outside the problem area of pandemic-related school closures. Those voices that have wanted to see genuine children’s rights explicitly listed in the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) for some time now are cheering the Federal Constitutional Court’s act of creating the law. However, this article ends with a more critical conclusion.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Philipp Bender: Das (Kinder-)‌Grundrecht auf schulische Bildung. Kreatives aus Karlsruhe 119
I. Ausgangslage: Schulbetrieb in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie 119
II. Das neuentdeckte Grundrecht auf schulische Bildung 121
1. Grundrechtsdogmatische Herleitung 121
2. Bezugnahme auf internationale Regelwerke 122
3. Grundrechtliche Dimensionen und Gewährleistungen im Einzelnen 123
a) Das Teilhaberecht auf gleichberechtigten Zugang zu vorhandenen staatlichen Bildungsleistungen 123
b) Das Recht auf schulische Bildung als Abwehrgrundrecht 124
c) Staatliche Schutzverantwortung für persönlichkeitsbildendes Schulsystem 125
d) Recht auf Distanzunterricht als Leistungsgrundrecht im Rahmen des Möglichen 126
4. Grenzen und Vorbehalte der grundrechtlichen Gewährleistung‍(en) 127
III. Kinderrechte ins Grundgesetz – über Karlsruher Bande gespielt? 119
IV. Kritisches Fazit 119
Abstract 119
The (Childrens) Fundamental Right to School Education Creativity from Karlsruhe 119
Schlagworte 119