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Aktien- und Wechselkursdynamik im keynesianischen Modell



Nelles, M. Aktien- und Wechselkursdynamik im keynesianischen Modell. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 29(1), 32-53.
Nelles, Michael "Aktien- und Wechselkursdynamik im keynesianischen Modell" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 29.1, 1996, 32-53.
Nelles, Michael (1996): Aktien- und Wechselkursdynamik im keynesianischen Modell, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 29, iss. 1, 32-53, [online]


Aktien- und Wechselkursdynamik im keynesianischen Modell

Nelles, Michael

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 29 (1996), Iss. 1 : pp. 32–53

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Michael Nelles, Essen


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Share-price and Exchange-rate Dynamism in a Keynesian-type Model

This contribution analyses the interdependencies of share-price and exchangerate developments resulting from alternative demand shocks in a dynamic macroeconomic Keynesian-type model where - instead of the real rate of interest - Tobin’s „g“ is used as the determinant for the aggregated goods demand. The (deterministic) assumption is for rational expectations as well as perfect substitutionality between interest-bearing forms of investment and equity participations. The interdependency is analysed in two steps: the first step is to assume an inert output adjustment so that in addition to the motion laws of the system a differential equation for the supply of goods, a national arbitrage relationship for equity capital and an international arbitrage relationship for interest-bearing assets are included in the analysis as well. It is demonstrated that monetary shocks induce a joint overshooting of the two asset prices, whilst fiscal shocks show a trend towards undershooting exchange rates and overshooting share prices. As a second step, the extreme - Keynesian - case of perfect flexibility of the supply of goods is assumed so that the entire system is reduced to two dimensions of the two step-variables. For adjustment purposes, this implies that both asset prices realise in a single discrete step the new stationary equilibrium solution and that overshooting prices occur only in the wake of transitory shocks.