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Müller, H. Zur Risikobereitschaft privater Geldanleger. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 28(1), 134-160.
Müller, Horst "Zur Risikobereitschaft privater Geldanleger" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 28.1, 1995, 134-160.
Müller, Horst (1995): Zur Risikobereitschaft privater Geldanleger, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 28, iss. 1, 134-160, [online]


Zur Risikobereitschaft privater Geldanleger

Müller, Horst

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 28 (1995), Iss. 1 : pp. 134–160

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Horst Müller, Köln


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Aspects pertaining to Investors’ Willingness for accepting Exposures

The willingness of German investors for accepting exposures is low: it is lower than expected when rational criteria are applied and lower than desirable in terms of national economics. For this reason, this paper analyses, on the basis of an almost representative sample of 518 financial investors, the factors determining their willingness for accepting financial exposures. Following a description of exposures deemed acceptable by investors, which is based on a number of demographic variables, the convincingness of five hierarchically structured groups of variables is verified: (1) financial situation; (2) economic expectations; (3) general propensity to save; (4) specific motive underlying an investment; as well as (5) competence and control philosophy in the financial sector. The results demonstrate that psychological concepts are much more persuasive than demographic or economic factors. More decisive than other factors are the motives underlying financial investments: efforts for making a good return on capital employed, capability of performance, risk-acceptance as well as interestrate levels represent factors promoting stock holding, whereas idleness represents a major impediment thereto. Advantageous are both objective and subjective competence. Economic expectations, by contrast, are of a rather minor importance. Likewise, a pronounced propensity to save contradicts to an only small extent the acceptability of “insecure” investments of the capital saved.