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A Striking Result or just a Matter of Misinterpretation?



Wesche, K., Wierum, S. A Striking Result or just a Matter of Misinterpretation?. . Comment on “Inflation Rates and Money Growth During High-Inflations”. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 28(2), 216-220.
Wesche, Katrin and Wierum, Susanne "A Striking Result or just a Matter of Misinterpretation?. Comment on “Inflation Rates and Money Growth During High-Inflations”. " Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 28.2, 1995, 216-220.
Wesche, Katrin/Wierum, Susanne (1995): A Striking Result or just a Matter of Misinterpretation?, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 28, iss. 2, 216-220, [online]


A Striking Result or just a Matter of Misinterpretation?

Comment on “Inflation Rates and Money Growth During High-Inflations”

Wesche, Katrin | Wierum, Susanne

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 28 (1995), Iss. 2 : pp. 216–220

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Article Details

Author Details

Katrin Wesche, Bonn

Susanne Wierum, Bonn


  1. Gersbach, Hans, 1993: “Inflation Rates and Money Growth During High-Inflations”, Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 26, No. 2, 230 - 237.  Google Scholar


This comment refers toa paper by Gersbach (1993) on the relationship between money growth and inflation. Contrary to Gersbach’s result it is shown that fully anticipated accelerating money growth leads to accelerating inflation. Starting from a money demand function of the Cagan-type, the forward looking rational expectations solution is derived and the relation between money growth and inflation is established.