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Geld- und steuerpolitische Ideen von Irving Fisher



Cohrssen, H. Geld- und steuerpolitische Ideen von Irving Fisher. . Erinnerungen eines Mitarbeiters. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 28(2), 298-313.
Cohrssen, Hans "Geld- und steuerpolitische Ideen von Irving Fisher. Erinnerungen eines Mitarbeiters. " Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 28.2, 1995, 298-313.
Cohrssen, Hans (1995): Geld- und steuerpolitische Ideen von Irving Fisher, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 28, iss. 2, 298-313, [online]


Geld- und steuerpolitische Ideen von Irving Fisher

Erinnerungen eines Mitarbeiters

Cohrssen, Hans

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 28 (1995), Iss. 2 : pp. 298–313

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Author Details

Hans Cohrssen, Frankfurt/Main


  1. Allen, William R. (1977): Irving Fisher, F.D.R., and the Great Depression, Sonderdruck aus: The History of Political Economy, Vol. 9 No. 4, 1977.  Google Scholar
  2. Cohrssen, Hans R. L. (1932): Wära, The New Republic, August.  Google Scholar
  3. Cohrssen, Hans R. L. (1991): Arbeiten mit Irving Fisher, in: Geld-Währung-Kapitalmarkt Working Papers Nr. 20, Hrsg. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gebauer, Frankfurt.  Google Scholar


Certain Monetary and Tax Policy Ideas of Irving Fisher - Reminiscences of a Member of His Team

During the Great Depression, Cohrssen (1905), as a proponent of the ideas of Silvio Gesell, advocated that self-liquidating substitute money called stamp scrip be issued in the USA. He was able to win Irving Fisher, the leading economist at the time, for his idea and became his closest collaborator in the period from 1932 to 1942. Cohrssen describes Fisher’s style of work and his productivity as a proponent of stable money and underlines in particular Fisher’s demand for eliminating the private banking system’s credit creation monopoly - a proposal that may sound utopian still today. Not less utopian seemed his 1942 proposal for eliminating income taxation and for replacing it by consumption tax - a proposal that is attracting attention in the current tax policy discussion.