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Die Zinsstruktur als Indikator der Geldpolitik?



Hesse, H., Roth, G. Die Zinsstruktur als Indikator der Geldpolitik?. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 25(1), 1-25.
Hesse, Helmut and Roth, Gisela "Die Zinsstruktur als Indikator der Geldpolitik?" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 25.1, 1992, 1-25.
Hesse, Helmut/Roth, Gisela (1992): Die Zinsstruktur als Indikator der Geldpolitik?, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 25, iss. 1, 1-25, [online]


Die Zinsstruktur als Indikator der Geldpolitik?

Hesse, Helmut | Roth, Gisela

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 25 (1992), Iss. 1 : pp. 1–25

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Helmut Hesse, Hannover

Gisela Roth, Hannover

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  1. El impacto de la geografía sobre la riqueza: autocorrelación espacial, movilidad regional, esquemas convergentes y dinámica temporal del ingreso per cápita, en México

    Guerrero Compeán, Roberto

    Ensayos Revista de Economía, Vol. 26 (2007), Iss. 1 P.45 [Citations: 0]


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The Interest Rate Structure as a Monetary Policy Indicator

This contribution analyzes whether the interest rate structure would be a suitable monetary policy indicator in Germany. A discussion has been going on in the United States for some time on whether the interest rate structure should, as an indicator, be preferred to money supply whose informatory value has been impaired by financial innovations. Empirical studies by the Federal Reserve Bank of the interrelationships between the interest rate structure and the Gross National Product in real terms as well as the level of prices have reached the conclusion for the United States of America that the interest rate structure is of great informatory value for future movements of both final goals of economic policy. There are three trends in economic theory that serve as the theoretical foundations ofanindicator that is based on the interest rate structure: The relation Q according to James Tobin, the theory of expectations for the interest rate structure according to Irving Fisher and the interest rate theory according to Knut Wicksell. The latter must be deemed to have been the real inventor of the theory that the interest rate structure can be used as an indicator, because it was he who fathered the opinion that monetary policy is effective through its influence on the ratio between two interest rates. Within the framework of a theoretical review of an indicator based on the interest rate structure, the hypothesis is made that this indicator is less prone to innovation than the money supply aggregates. This hypothesis, which must still be substantiated in academic terms, speaks in favour of the indicator based on the interest rate structure; the correctness of this view is doubtful mainly because its meaningfulness is limited by international capital movements. The empirical interrelationship between the interest rate structure and the Gross National Product is very close in the German case; the interrelationship between the interest rate structure and the level of prices is less close, however. The conclusion to be reached from this analysis is that the interest rate structure is no suitable indicator for German monetary policy. Inan economy whose main characteristic is strong international economic dependence, the limitation of the informatory function of the interest rate structure on account of international capital movements may not be neglected.