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Währungspolitik in der Übergangsphase zur Europäischen Währungsunion



Herz, B. Währungspolitik in der Übergangsphase zur Europäischen Währungsunion. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 25(2), 185-210.
Herz, Bernhard "Währungspolitik in der Übergangsphase zur Europäischen Währungsunion" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 25.2, 1992, 185-210.
Herz, Bernhard (1992): Währungspolitik in der Übergangsphase zur Europäischen Währungsunion, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 25, iss. 2, 185-210, [online]


Währungspolitik in der Übergangsphase zur Europäischen Währungsunion

Herz, Bernhard

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 25 (1992), Iss. 2 : pp. 185–210

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Bernhard Herz, Tübingen

Cited By

  1. Perspektiven der Europäischen Integration

    Das Europäische Währungssystem — Wegbereiter für die Europäische Währungsunion?

    Herz, Bernhard

    1994 [Citations: 0]


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Monetary Policy in the Phase of Transition to European Monetary Union

In the treaty of Maastricht the members of the European Monetary System (EMS) agreed to start a European Monetary Union (EMU) by the end of the decade. Therefore, the current (de facto) asymmetric intervention and adjustment mechanism of the EMS has to be made symmetric, the exchange rates have to be fixed permanently and the reserve constraint within the exchange rate system has to be revoked. The implications of this transformation process for monetary policy are analysed in a twocountry model of the Mundell-Fleming type. The sequencing of the structural adjustments from the EMS to the EMU is crucial. To fix the exchange rates permanently in the current asymmetric EMS strenghtens the role of the Deutschmark as the nominal anchor. However, if monetary symmetry is established first, then the subsequent fixing of the exchange rates has the opposit effect. The previous nonreserve countries gain monetary influence upon the reserve country Germany. As the common European currency is supposed to be as strong as the Deutschmark, the transformation to the EMU has to start with the permanent fixing of exchange rates. The ex ante coordination of national monetary policies is desirable, but not necessary. The monetary policies will be adjusted automatically ex post to the policy of the reserve country through the exchange rate mechanism of the EMS. With the final transition to the EMU the asymmetric character of the EMS and thereserve constraint will beremoved automatically.