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Monetäre Voraussetzungen marktwirtschaftlicher Reformschritte in den Staaten Osteuropas



Filc, W., Winkler, A. Monetäre Voraussetzungen marktwirtschaftlicher Reformschritte in den Staaten Osteuropas. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 24(2), 175-197.
Filc, Wolfgang and Winkler, Adalbert "Monetäre Voraussetzungen marktwirtschaftlicher Reformschritte in den Staaten Osteuropas" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 24.2, 1991, 175-197.
Filc, Wolfgang/Winkler, Adalbert (1991): Monetäre Voraussetzungen marktwirtschaftlicher Reformschritte in den Staaten Osteuropas, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 24, iss. 2, 175-197, [online]


Monetäre Voraussetzungen marktwirtschaftlicher Reformschritte in den Staaten Osteuropas

Filc, Wolfgang | Winkler, Adalbert

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 24 (1991), Iss. 2 : pp. 175–197

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Author Details

Wolfgang Filc, Trier

Adalbert Winkler, Trier


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  63. Schmidt, R. H., Informationsökonomie und Preisentwicklung an Finanzmärkten: Abschied von neoklassischen Optimierungsvorstellungen?, in: Filc, W.; Köhler, C. (Hrsg.), Autonomie, Kooperation und Devisenmarkt, Berlin 1990, S.13 – 34.  Google Scholar
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  66. Streissler, E., Was kann die Geldpolitik von der modernen Geldtheorie lernen?, in: Bombach, G.; Gahlen, B.; Ott, A. E. (Hrsg.), Geldtheorie und Geldpolitik, Tübingen 1988, S. 3 – 45.  Google Scholar
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Monetary Prerequisites of Market-Based Reform Models in the Countries of Eastern Europe

The neoclassical theory does not pay any special attention to monetary relations insofar as real economic processes are concerned. This is the result of special assumptions that do notin all cases truly and adequately reflect real conditions. Where – contrary to the neoclassical theory – uncertainties and incomplete information of market participants are taken into account, there cannot be any dispute about individual and social monetary productivity. This presupposes the real value of money to be guaranteed by the central bank. To this end, it is indispensable for the total amount of monetary assets and liabilities to be matched by the real value of enterprises’ non-monetary productive assets. At present, the reform countries in Eastern Europe do not satisfy these conditions which are basic to any successful monetary management. It follows therefrom that reform of the banking sector not only requires state-owned banking institutions to be separated from the private sector, but also that the total amount of monetary assets and liabilities be reduced to the total real value of nonmonetary productive assets and liabilities.