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Are Preliminary Monetary Announcements in Switzerland Rational?



Fischer, A., Maurer, M. Are Preliminary Monetary Announcements in Switzerland Rational?. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 24(3), 332-344.
Fischer, Andreas M. and Maurer, Martin "Are Preliminary Monetary Announcements in Switzerland Rational?" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 24.3, 1991, 332-344.
Fischer, Andreas M./Maurer, Martin (1991): Are Preliminary Monetary Announcements in Switzerland Rational?, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 24, iss. 3, 332-344, [online]


Are Preliminary Monetary Announcements in Switzerland Rational?

Fischer, Andreas M. | Maurer, Martin

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 24 (1991), Iss. 3 : pp. 332–344

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Author Details

Andreas M. Fischer, Zürich

Martin Maurer, Zürich


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Are Preliminary Monetary Announcements in Switzerland Rational?

Several hypotheses regarding the information content of preliminary M1, M2 and M3 estimates are examined for Switzerland. Our tests are unable to reject therational forecast hypothesis for the preliminary M1 figures. Both the errors-in-variables and rational forecast hypotheses are rejected for the preliminary figures of M2 and M3, suggesting that these estimates are inefficient. Seasonal factors, long-term interest rates and exchange rates are found to be a leading indicator for M2 and M3 revisions.