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Beharrungsinflation und „heterodoxe“ Stabilisierungspolitik: Erfahrungen aus Argentinien, Brasilien und Isreal



Sell, F. Beharrungsinflation und „heterodoxe“ Stabilisierungspolitik: Erfahrungen aus Argentinien, Brasilien und Isreal. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 23(1), 60-85.
Sell, Friedrich L. "Beharrungsinflation und „heterodoxe“ Stabilisierungspolitik: Erfahrungen aus Argentinien, Brasilien und Isreal" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 23.1, 1990, 60-85.
Sell, Friedrich L. (1990): Beharrungsinflation und „heterodoxe“ Stabilisierungspolitik: Erfahrungen aus Argentinien, Brasilien und Isreal, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 23, iss. 1, 60-85, [online]


Beharrungsinflation und „heterodoxe“ Stabilisierungspolitik: Erfahrungen aus Argentinien, Brasilien und Isreal

Sell, Friedrich L.

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 23 (1990), Iss. 1 : pp. 60–85

1 Citations (CrossRef)

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Friedrich L. Seil, Giessen

Cited By

  1. Seigniorage und Inflationsdynamik

    Helmut, Wagner,

    Credit and Capital Markets - Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 25 (1992), Iss. 3 P.335 [Citations: 3]


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Inertial Inflation and “Heterodox” Stabilization Policies: Experience Gained in the Case of Argentina, Brazil and Israel

At the roots of inertial inflation is the distribution conflict with indexation practices as the main guarantor of its existence. If the inertial inflation component is stronger than the impact of supply shocks and/or inflated demand, money supply is largely endogenized: expanding money supply is the consequence and not the cause of inflation. Empirical studies made in the case of Argentina, Brazil and Israel testify to the relevance of the inertial inflation component even though its weight is highly differential and has rarely been correctly diagnosed (diagnostic mistake) by responsible economic policy-makers. However, the “heterodox” stabilization programmes applied in those countries – that link up with the causes and guarantors of inertial inflation – failed, inter alia, over the neglect of important secondary requirements (Argentina, Brazil) and over the incomplete implementation of such programmes (therapeutic mistake).