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Ribe, H., Schneider, F. Finanzinnovationen an den Euromärkten. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 20(1), 116-139.
Ribe, Halvor and Schneider, Friedrich "Finanzinnovationen an den Euromärkten" Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 20.1, 1987, 116-139.
Ribe, Halvor/Schneider, Friedrich (1987): Finanzinnovationen an den Euromärkten, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 20, iss. 1, 116-139, [online]


Finanzinnovationen an den Euromärkten

Ribe, Halvor | Schneider, Friedrich

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 20 (1987), Iss. 1 : pp. 116–139

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Halvor Ribe, Kiel

Friedrich Schneider, Kiel

Cited By

  1. Bankbetriebslehre

    Rahmenbedingungen bankgeschäftlichen Handelns für deutsche Banken

    Büschgen, Hans E.

    1993 [Citations: 0]
  2. Bankbetriebslehre

    Rahmenbedingungen bankgeschäftlichen Handelns für deutsche Banken

    Büschgen, Hans E.

    1989 [Citations: 0]


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Financial Innovations in the Eurocurrency Market

In this paper we are trying to provide an overview about the Euromarket and the development of financial instruments. While the role and development of financial instruments, such as syndicated loans, fixed-rate eurobonds, floating-rate eurobonds, | euronotes and swaps are discussed in detail, we are trying to make clear that there is a new development in the Euromarket: securitisation. Caused by the debt crisis in the beginning of this decade, banks became reluctant to take loans on their books and shifted to a less risky business, the arrangement and issuance of bonds, euronotes and swaps. Thereby international banks mainly act as a comultant or broker earning feeincome instead of interest-income, without being exposed to the same credit risks as it was the case during the last decade. At the same time, much of the credit risk remaining, is off the balance sheets, which maybe viewed as questionable practice.