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Monetäre Schätzansätze zur Erfassung der Schattenwirtschaft



Karmann, A. Monetäre Schätzansätze zur Erfassung der Schattenwirtschaft. . Ein Vergleich verschiedener Meßmethoden. Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, 19(2), 233-247.
Karmann, Alexander "Monetäre Schätzansätze zur Erfassung der Schattenwirtschaft. Ein Vergleich verschiedener Meßmethoden. " Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital 19.2, 1986, 233-247.
Karmann, Alexander (1986): Monetäre Schätzansätze zur Erfassung der Schattenwirtschaft, in: Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, vol. 19, iss. 2, 233-247, [online]


Monetäre Schätzansätze zur Erfassung der Schattenwirtschaft

Ein Vergleich verschiedener Meßmethoden

Karmann, Alexander

Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 19 (1986), Iss. 2 : pp. 233–247

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Author Details

Alexander J. Karmann, Hamburg

Cited By

  1. Unemployment and the Shadow Economy in the oecd

    Bajada, Christopher | Schneider, Friedrich

    Revue économique, Vol. Vol. 60 (2009), Iss. 5 P.1033 [Citations: 52]
  2. Size and Development of the Shadow Economy in Germany, Austria and Other oecd-Countries

    Schneider, Friedrich

    Revue économique, Vol. Vol. 60 (2009), Iss. 5 P.1079 [Citations: 24]


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Monetary Estimation Approaches to Assessing the "Shadow Economy" A comparison of various methods

The phenomenon of the shadow economy has drawn increasing attention in the public. Mainly two questions were discussed: how big is the shadow economy and what should be done? The first problem is, of course, how to measure something which is hidden and cannot be observed directly. Measurement approaches start from the observation that the shadow economy leaves traces in other economic sectors, especially in the monetary sphere. This is due to the fact that usually, transactions are performed by a medium of exchange.

The aim of the paper is a rigorous presentation of different estimation methods by use of an axiomatic characterisation of underlying assumptions. Thereby, advantages as well as shortcomings of the measurement approaches will be analyzed, mostly related to the question of per capita currency holding. Finally, based on an estimation result of possible determinants and indicators of the shadow economy, some consequences will be discussed for public policy issues.