Theoretical Principles of the Buffer Mechanism, Monetary Quasi-Equilibrium and its Spillover Effects
Theoretical Principles of the Buffer Mechanism, Monetary Quasi-Equilibrium and its Spillover Effects
Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 17 (1984), Iss. 2 : pp. 243–260
3 Citations (CrossRef)
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Knoester, Anthonie
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Theoretical Principles of the Buffer Mechanism Monetary Quasi-Equilibrium and its Spillover Effects
In this paper we argue that present-day monetary theory - such as the portfolio balance approach and the wealth adjustment theory - incorrectly neglects the insights of modern disequilibrium analysis. However, this ommision may be of fundamental importance for our judgement on macroeconomic policy. Therefore, we try to develop a theoretical framework to bridge this gap. In this respect we discuss the buffer mechanism. Its main characteristic is that a situation of monetary excess capacity evolves non-price quantity adjustments in financial assets. By way of this equilibrating mechanism tendencies will arise towards a new ex post equilibrium. Together with the classical price mechanism it results in a type of a situation which we call “monetary quasi-equilibrium”. This monetary quasi-equilibrium implies a subsequent transmission channel of monetary impulses to the real sector, namely the spillover of monetary excess capacity.