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The International Regime Governing Notification, Information-Sharing and Early Warning Applicable to Epidemic Outbreaks



Venier, S. The International Regime Governing Notification, Information-Sharing and Early Warning Applicable to Epidemic Outbreaks. German Yearbook of International Law, 64(1), 347-374.
Venier, Silvia "The International Regime Governing Notification, Information-Sharing and Early Warning Applicable to Epidemic Outbreaks" German Yearbook of International Law 64.1, 2022, 347-374.
Venier, Silvia (2022): The International Regime Governing Notification, Information-Sharing and Early Warning Applicable to Epidemic Outbreaks, in: German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 64, iss. 1, 347-374, [online]


The International Regime Governing Notification, Information-Sharing and Early Warning Applicable to Epidemic Outbreaks

Venier, Silvia

German Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 64 (2021), Iss. 1 : pp. 347–374

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Article Details


Author Details

Silvia Venier, Post-doctoral researcher in Public International Law, Institute of Law, Politics, Development (DIRPOLIS), Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (Pisa, Italy).


The international regime governing information sharing in the early phases of epidemic outbreaks, including the obligations to promptly report suspected cases and share relevant information, plays a determinant role in triggering protective actions and in limiting the spread at the domestic and international levels. Yet, States’ reluctance to notify and the World Health Organisation (WHO) dependence on official information to activate the international alert system pose significant challenges to its functioning. This paper aims at discussing notification, information-sharing and early warning requirements, and at exploring to what extent international rules can be further strengthened. After some introductory remarks (I.), the benefits of and barriers to notification in infectious diseases outbreaks are presented (II.); the strengths and limitations of the international framework governing notification and information sharing under the International Health Regulations are explored (III.); and the functioning of the information-sharing regime during Covid-19 is briefly discussed (IV.). Some concluding remarks are finally proposed on strengthening the international information sharing regime applicable to epidemic outbreaks (V.).

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Silvia Venier\nThe International Regime Governing Notification, Information-Sharing and Early Warning Applicable to Epidemic Outbreaks 347
I. Introduction 347
II. Setting the Scene 350
A. The Importance of Prompt Detection, Assessment and Notification of Disease Outbreaks 350
B. States’ Reluctance to Notify 352
C. The Role of ICTs in Disease Surveillance and Reporting 355
III. The Information-Sharing Regime Under the IHR 357
A. Information-Sharing Requirements Incumbent Upon States 357
1. Developing Core Notification and Information-Sharing Capacities (Article 5 IHR) 357
2. Official Notification, Information-Sharing, Consultation (Articles 6, 7, 8) 359
3. Information-Sharing at the Domestic Level 361
B. The Use of ‘Other Reports’ by the WHO (Articles 9, 10, 11) 364
C. International Cooperation in Information-Sharing (Article 44 IHR) 366
IV. Notification, Early Warning and Information-Sharing During Covid-19 369
V. Strengthening the International Information-Sharing Regime Applicable to Epidemic Outbreaks 371