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Marriage Matters: Spousal Similarity in Life Satisfaction



Schimmack, U., Lucas, R. Marriage Matters: Spousal Similarity in Life Satisfaction. Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 127(1), 105-111.
Schimmack, Ulrich and Lucas, Richard "Marriage Matters: Spousal Similarity in Life Satisfaction" Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch 127.1, 2007, 105-111.
Schimmack, Ulrich/Lucas, Richard (2007): Marriage Matters: Spousal Similarity in Life Satisfaction, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, vol. 127, iss. 1, 105-111, [online]


Marriage Matters: Spousal Similarity in Life Satisfaction

Schimmack, Ulrich | Lucas, Richard

Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 127 (2007), Iss. 1 : pp. 105–111

5 Citations (CrossRef)

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Schimmack, Ulrich

Lucas, Richard

Cited By

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Spousal similarity in life satisfaction is important for causal theories of life satisfaction. This study examined the concurrent and cross-lagged spousal similarity in life satisfaction over a 21-year period based on 847 married couples in the German Socio Economic Panel. Concurrent spousal similarity (e.g., husband 1990 & wife 1990) was considerably higher than one-year lagged similarity (e.g., husband 1990 & wife 1991). This finding reveals spousal similarity in the variable component of life satisfaction that fluctuates from year to year. In addition, cross-lagged spousal similarity systematically decreased with length of the time lag. This finding reveals spousal similarity in the changing component of life satisfaction. Finally, there was considerable cross-lagged spousal similarity over the longest time lag (e.g., husband 1984 & wife 2004). This finding reveals spousal similarity in the stable component of life satisfaction. The evidence for a changing component in spousal similarity in life satisfaction provides conclusive evidence that changes in one spouse's life satisfaction are systematically related to changes in the other spouse's life satisfaction.