Die Auswirkungen der gesetzlichen Mitbestimmung auf die Innovationsaktivität deutscher Unternehmen
Die Auswirkungen der gesetzlichen Mitbestimmung auf die Innovationsaktivität deutscher Unternehmen
Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 124 (2004), Iss. 3 : pp. 421–449
8 Citations (CrossRef)
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Kraft, Komelius
Stank, Jörg
Cited By
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Dynamic Efficiency of Supervisory Board Codetermination in Germany
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We investigate the effects of the German codetermination law of 1976 an the innovativeness of a sample of German stock companies from the manufacturing industry. Information from 155 companies an the number of patents granted in the time period 1971-1990 is combined with other firm and industry data. The Sample, totalling 1,961 observations, is used for a difference-in-differences estimator an the question of a possible change after the introduction of the codetermination law. We find no evidence in favour of the popular hypothesis that codetermination reduces innovative activity. If anything, it increases it.