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Gender Differences in German Upward Income Mobility



Gang, I., Landon-Lane, J., Yun, M. Gender Differences in German Upward Income Mobility. Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 123(1), 3-13.
Gang, Ira N.; Landon-Lane, John and Yun, Myeong-Su "Gender Differences in German Upward Income Mobility" Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch 123.1, 2003, 3-13.
Gang, Ira N./Landon-Lane, John/Yun, Myeong-Su (2003): Gender Differences in German Upward Income Mobility, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, vol. 123, iss. 1, 3-13, [online]


Gender Differences in German Upward Income Mobility

Gang, Ira N. | Landon-Lane, John | Yun, Myeong-Su

Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 123 (2003), Iss. 1 : pp. 3–13

2 Citations (CrossRef)

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Article Details

Gang, Ira N.

Landon-Lane, John

Yun, Myeong-Su

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We examine the upward labor income mobility of men and women in Germany using the GSOEP Cross National Equivalent File. Women have greater overall income mobility. However, utilizing a measure of upward income mobility and calculating the posterior probability that men’s upward income mobility is greater than women’s, we find that men have overall greater upward income mobility. Women have greater upward mobility in the lower initial income classes, while in the upper initial income brackets men’s mobility is higher than women’s.