De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Die Präferenzen der Verbraucher und die Ausweitung moderner Konsumgütermärkte im langen 19. Jahrhundert
De Gustibus Disputandum Est: Die Präferenzen der Verbraucher und die Ausweitung moderner Konsumgütermärkte im langen 19. Jahrhundert
Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 122 (2002), Iss. 2 : pp. 261–290
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Steiner, André
This paper is arguing, that the change of consumer preferences has been more important for the expansion of modern consumer goods markets in the 19th century as thought before. Particularly, innovations, the spreading of knowledge about them and their utilization were responsible for the change of preferences. This process was transmitted by fashion as well as „education for a good taste" by the state and the influences of social reference groups. Additionally, trade and its ways, in which commercial supply was presented, influenced essentially the change of preferences. However, the relative importance of this change in consumer preferences for the markets' expansion seems to has altered during the course of the 19th century.