Steuerhinterziehung: Einige romantische, realistische und nicht zuletzt empirische Befunde
Steuerhinterziehung: Einige romantische, realistische und nicht zuletzt empirische Befunde
Pommerehne, Werner W. | Weck-Hannemann, Hannelore
Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 112 (1992), Iss. 3 : pp. 433–466
3 Citations (CrossRef)
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Pommerehne, Werner W.
Weck-Hannemann, Hannelore
Cited By
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The decision to evade taxes is based, according to the economic viewpoint, on a utility maximizing calculus. As for the determinants of tax evasion, empirical investigations suggest that the impact of those factors which neoclassical theory considers crucial is very small: Controls and penalties work at best as a weak deterrent, and increasing marginal tax burden causes even more, and not, as standard theory would have predicted, less tax evasion. The empirical results are, however, compatible with a broader viewpoint relating tax evasion to taxpayers’ attitude towards the state with respect to the degree of participation granted to its citizens