Formale Wirtschaftstheorie und empirischer Gehalt
Formale Wirtschaftstheorie und empirischer Gehalt
Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 112 (1992), Iss. 4 : pp. 607–622
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Schneider, Dieter
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Besides revealing the implications of symbols and their concatenation, formal economic theory requires to solve a translation problem. The original scientific question must be transfered into an appropriate notation and the result of the model analysis retransfered into a testable hypothesis. Vilks has constructed a scapegoat of “empiristic argumentation”. This obviously contradicts the content of the structural approach of economic theory in the Dieter Schneider’s article on “Rise and decline of a research programm: general equilibrium theory” that had been critized by Vilks. It is shown in detail that Vilks critique is only resulting in immunizing the general equilibrium theory against any critique