Zu den Kausalitätsbeziehungen zwischen Geldmenge, Sozialprodukt und Preisniveau
Zu den Kausalitätsbeziehungen zwischen Geldmenge, Sozialprodukt und Preisniveau
Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 109 (1989), Iss. 2 : pp. 287–301
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In this paper some causal relationships between money, income, and price level can be clarified for the Federal Republic of Germany, which are important for the theoretical and political discussion. Real income, for example, causes M,, but not the other way round. There is no causal relationship between M, and the price level, and there is an instantaneous causality for real income and price level. By using the modified causality test, the lag structure could be determined more precisely, and an incorrect identification of the causality by arbitrarily given lags could be avoided