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Bildungs- und sozioökonomische Probleme alternativer Finanzierungssysteme des Hochschulbereichs



Weisshuhn, G. Bildungs- und sozioökonomische Probleme alternativer Finanzierungssysteme des Hochschulbereichs. Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, 98(2), 163-180.
Weisshuhn, Gernot "Bildungs- und sozioökonomische Probleme alternativer Finanzierungssysteme des Hochschulbereichs" Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch 98.2, 1978, 163-180.
Weisshuhn, Gernot (1978): Bildungs- und sozioökonomische Probleme alternativer Finanzierungssysteme des Hochschulbereichs, in: Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, vol. 98, iss. 2, 163-180, [online]


Bildungs- und sozioökonomische Probleme alternativer Finanzierungssysteme des Hochschulbereichs

Weisshuhn, Gernot

Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. 98 (1978), Iss. 2 : pp. 163–180

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Weisshuhn, Gernot


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In connexion with the critical analysis of the finances of Higher Education a set of models of changed financial systems has been presented. Examining such a model, called a system of "Extended Income-taxation" and explained in this journal, the basic problems of determination of criteria for evaluating alternative educational finance-systems (criteria of financing, efficiency and distribution) are discussed and the socio-economic effects of this system are analysed. Refering to the results, this presented system also implicates disincentive effects on the participation rate of Higher Education and involves furthermore financial problems of public expenditures. In consequence of these effects the social and educational intention of this system cannot be guaranteed.