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Revisiting the NetzDG and Its Changes Against the Backdrop of International Human Rights Law



Bachmann, F. Revisiting the NetzDG and Its Changes Against the Backdrop of International Human Rights Law. German Yearbook of International Law, 65(1), 321-336.
Bachmann, Franziska "Revisiting the NetzDG and Its Changes Against the Backdrop of International Human Rights Law" German Yearbook of International Law 65.1, 2024, 321-336.
Bachmann, Franziska (2024): Revisiting the NetzDG and Its Changes Against the Backdrop of International Human Rights Law, in: German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 65, iss. 1, 321-336, [online]


Revisiting the NetzDG and Its Changes Against the Backdrop of International Human Rights Law

Bachmann, Franziska

German Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 65 (2022), Iss. 1 : pp. 321–336

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Article Details


Bachmann, Franziska


Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Franziska Bachmann\nRevisiting the NetzDG and Its Changes Against the Backdrop of International Human Rights Law 321
I. Introduction 321
II. International Human Rights Instruments Safeguarding Freedom of Expression and the Right to Privacy 324
A. Freedom of Expression 324
B. Right to Privacy 327
III. The 2017 NetzDG: Putting Freedom of Expression and Privacy at Risk? 328
A. The NetzDG’s Draft Bill of 16 May 2017 in a Nutshell 328
B. Concerns Voiced by the Special Rapporteur 329
1. Lacking Clear and Precise Criteria and Definitions 329
2. Risking Overregulation in the Absence of Judicial Oversight 329
3. Risking Overregulation Through High Fines 330
C. Reply Provided by the Bundesregierung 330
1. Clarifying the Scope and Definitions 331
2. Loosening Strict Deadlines to Lower the Risk of Overregulation 331
3. Maintaining Proportionality 332
IV. The 2021 Act to Amend the NetzDG: Tackling the Pending Points? 332
A. Pending Points 333
B. Changes in the 2021 NetzDG and Evaluation 333
V. Conclusion and Outlook 335