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Mañalich Raffo, J. Postmortaler Schutz personaler Rechtsgüter im Strafrecht?. Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, 32(4), 517-529.
Mañalich Raffo, Juan Pablo "Postmortaler Schutz personaler Rechtsgüter im Strafrecht?" Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht 32.4, 2023, 517-529.
Mañalich Raffo, Juan Pablo (2023): Postmortaler Schutz personaler Rechtsgüter im Strafrecht?, in: Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, vol. 32, iss. 4, 517-529, [online]


Postmortaler Schutz personaler Rechtsgüter im Strafrecht?

Mañalich Raffo, Juan Pablo

Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, Vol. 32 (2023), Iss. 4 : pp. 517–529

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Article Details


Author Details

Prof. Dr. Juan Pablo Mañalich Raffo, Av. Santa María 076 7520405 Santiago, Chile


The article addresses the question of whether penally reinforced conduct rules, such as those prohibiting forms of corpse or grave defamation, can have as their (purportedly legitimate) task the post-mortem protection of some personal “legal good”. The question is answered in the negative by means of an analysis of the so-called “problem of the subject”, namely by defending a restricted version of the “Epicurean” approach, which, against the Feinberg-Pitcher approach, sees in the fulfillment of the so-called “requirement of existence” a necessary condition for someone being the subject of a personal harm. Thereby, several argumentative strategies aimed at making intelligible the possibility of a posthumous harm are critically reviewed. Upon this negative result, a different kind of justification for the criminalization of behavior affecting the physical remains of a deceased human person is then outlined, based on the idea of a general protection of personal legal goods against forms of abstract endangerment. Finally, some remarks on the concept of death are introduced in order to demonstrate the compatibility of rejecting the claim that a person could suffer a posthumous harm with the assertion of the (possible) harmfulness of one’s own death.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Juan Pablo Mañalich Raffo: Postmortaler Schutz personaler Rechtsgüter im Strafrecht? 517
I. Das Problem der postmortalen Schäden aus Sicht des biologischen Ansatzes 517
II. Die Vernichtungsthese und das Problem des Subjekts 520
III. Der Feinberg-Pitcher-Ansatz 522
IV. Biografisches Leben als Substrat „überlebender“ Interessen? 525
V. Leichnams- und Grabesbeschimpfung als allgemein-abstrakte Gefährdungsdelikte gegen (individuelle) Rechtsgüter lebender Personen 526
VI. Die Schädlichkeit des Todes für die sterbende Person 527