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Sánchez Lázaro, F. Geburtshilfliche Gewalt als strafbare Handlung?. . Zur Erforderlichkeit und Geeignetheit strafrechtlicher Intervention. Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, 32(4), 471-489.
Sánchez Lázaro, Fernando Guanarteme "Geburtshilfliche Gewalt als strafbare Handlung?. Zur Erforderlichkeit und Geeignetheit strafrechtlicher Intervention. " Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht 32.4, 2023, 471-489.
Sánchez Lázaro, Fernando Guanarteme (2023): Geburtshilfliche Gewalt als strafbare Handlung?, in: Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, vol. 32, iss. 4, 471-489, [online]


Geburtshilfliche Gewalt als strafbare Handlung?

Zur Erforderlichkeit und Geeignetheit strafrechtlicher Intervention

Sánchez Lázaro, Fernando Guanarteme

Zeitschrift für Lebensrecht, Vol. 32 (2023), Iss. 4 : pp. 471–489

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Author Details

Fernando Guanarteme Sánchez Lázaro, Área de Derecho penal, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de La Laguna Apartado Postal 456 38200 San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spanien


The growing interest in obstetric violence has transferred from health policy and the general media to criminal policy. In this sense, it has recently been proposed to criminalise certain interventions by health personnel during childbirth that affect the autonomy and physical integrity of women. Against this background, this paper first examines the necessity of such an intervention. Especially because, according to statistics, the high rates of caesarean sections or episiotomies in our country are not so much due to the actions of the professionals who perform them, but rather to structural problems in the health system. It is also worth pointing out the high demand of patients, which accounts for the problem of misinformation. In terms of the adequacy of this intervention, the current post-pandemic context should be considered in the context of a professional collective that has suffered particularly during these years. Here, too, it is important to note a public discourse in which the truth tends to be suppressed and in which actors interfere who are more interested in capitalising on the debate and instrumentalising it politically than in finding a rational solution to the problem.

Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Fernando Guanarteme Sánchez Lázaro: Zur Erforderlichkeit und Geeignetheit strafrechtlicher Intervention 471
Zur Erforderlichkeit und Geeignetheit strafrechtlicher Intervention 471
I. Einführung 471
II. Geburtshilfliche Gewalt in Spanien: eine zweite Annäherung 473
III. Zum Streit um Wörter in der aktuellen öffentlichen Debatte 482
IV. Kurz zum aktuellen gesundheitlichpolitischen Kontext 486
V. Schlussfolgerungen 486