“The Greatest and Noblest of all Characters”: Knowledge, Improvements, and Smith’s “Science of the Legislator”
“The Greatest and Noblest of all Characters”: Knowledge, Improvements, and Smith’s “Science of the Legislator”
Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch, Vol. (2024), Online First : pp. 1–24
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Richard Sturn, Graz Schumpeter Centre, University of Graz Universitaetsstrasse 15/4E 8010 Graz, Austria
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Adam Smith’s science of the legislator and the “virtues of the statesman” are understood as a kind of higher order-liberalism, coming close to what Colander and Freedman call “the liberal methodology” pertinent to the role of economics in policy-making. Evolving socio-economic heterogeneities, the dynamism of specialisation and politics require a kind of dynamic, open, and contextual second-best approach