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Fernandes, S. (2025). 'Virginia Woolf & the Cosmopolitan Self' In R. Sousa, S. Nour Sckell, (Eds.), Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms (1st ed., pp. 51-64)
Fernandes, Sara. "Virginia Woolf & the Cosmopolitan Self". Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms, edited by Rui Sousa and Soraya Nour Sckell, Duncker & Humblot, 2025, pp. 51-64.
Fernandes, S. (2025): 'Virginia Woolf & the Cosmopolitan Self', in Sousa, R, Nour Sckell, S (eds.). Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 51-64.


Virginia Woolf & the Cosmopolitan Self

Fernandes, Sara

In: Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms (2025), pp. 51–64

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Sara Fernandes

Dr. Sara Fernandes, University of Lisbon , Lissabon, Portugal


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Sara Fernandes: Virginia Woolf & the Cosmopolitan Self 51
Bibliography 62