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Russo, M. (2025). 'A Broad-Minded Way of Thinking' In R. Sousa, S. Nour Sckell, (Eds.), Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms (1st ed., pp. 121-134)
Russo, Marco. "A Broad-Minded Way of Thinking: Cosmological Perspectives in Kantian Cosmopolitanism". Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms, edited by Rui Sousa and Soraya Nour Sckell, Duncker & Humblot, 2025, pp. 121-134.
Russo, M. (2025): 'A Broad-Minded Way of Thinking', in Sousa, R, Nour Sckell, S (eds.). Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms. Duncker & Humblot, pp. 121-134.


A Broad-Minded Way of Thinking

Cosmological Perspectives in Kantian Cosmopolitanism

Russo, Marco

In: Cosmoliteratures: Cosmopolitanisms in Literatures, Literatures in Cosmopolitanisms (2025), pp. 121–134

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Marco Russo

Prof. Marco Russo,


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Table of Contents

Section Title Page Action Price
Marco Russo: A Broad-Minded Way of Thinking. Cosmological Perspectives in Kantian Cosmopolitanism 121
I. Cosmopolitanism Taken Literally 121
II. Conceptus Cosmicus 123
III. Pragmatic World 126
IV. A Broad-Minded Way of Thinking 128
V. The World as a Cosmopolitan Subject 129
Bibliography 132